OK, i know this is a WIP, just thought I'd post my findings. Playing as Duindain Rangers.
--Bandits selectable at start screen.
--Stat map movement a little low
--No starting men except in capital, Ranger post rebelled, Horar taken by Bree in turn five, now at war with Bree. Allied to everyone, turn 25 Outstanding Rep with all.
--All culture is Northmen, built everything possible, no troops, had to turn all settlements to low taxes because of no garrisons. City growth now booming. No troop upkeep so at turn 25 I have 70K
Suggestions: Maybe have Ranger Generals as foot troops. It would be nice while still in early beta to run off it's own BAT file. Also noticed in your READ ME, you say to extract all files into TATW, but first folder is labeled DAC, will cause problems for some people. Good start, gonna give another faction a go, and I'll report back