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Thread: Divide And Conquer - An Expanded Faction Mod - Beta released! 3.99* series Sept 1st Oct ## NEWS! We have reached 31 faction limit !!! ##

  1. #41
    Stephan's Avatar Campidoctor
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    great ideas, but very difficult to get the balancing right

    Yes, I know that Ishtar is spelled wrong

  2. #42

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    I've removed both the Light Elven Archers, and the Elven swordsmen of the high elves. Even though I know they are limited in unit rosters, elven units are going to be appropriately bad ass, and look that way.

    Sweet! Just what I've been waiting for!

  3. #43

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    quick update - I've assigned all the units to their proper factions, have NOT balanced them at all yet or adjusted their recruitment.

    I'm working on two bits before i release my first rough draft. The first is all the text that needs to be edited throughout, which i'm in the process of doing AS I TYPE. I just finished reworking the elven names on the campaign map. No more High King of the High Elves.. but instead Master Elrond, and Elf-lord. Or Lord, Counsellor in Lindon.

    Your forces have been attacked by an army of rivendell... etc etc its lots of fun to edit. I swear. (I am meticulous about my grammar etc for this, so i go through it line by line.) Once that is done, i just have to head back to the buildings, and assign them to the proper factions etc so the Rangers can actually build their units ;p.

    Oh, and assigning bannermen/faction colors to the right places. And damnit, another thing, for some reason when i started editing the map and descr_strat file, some of the images got all mixed up. (Resources for minas tirith, osgiliath, black gates, helms deep, isengard... etc). So I've got to back track into the original files, and copy/paste some stuff, yay! Without this minor change (which happened because i was using geomod to edit the campaign map) I could have the files here, relatively quickly. With this change as it is, I have to work my way through the files and see what went wrong - not 100% sure as i've not even LOOKED at it yet. Worse case scenario and I'll just honestly copy/paste ALL of my work into the original files. Because what i've worked on directly hasn't changed a thing to do with those images.

    Though if folks don't care about that, I could release the first one quicker. With the proper graphics, it'll take me a bit longer. (without the proper graphics, osgiliath is literally sitting on top of each other, looks a bit weird.

    and im watching lotr while i do it. to get my mind in the proper frameset. LOL. Easier to do that then read the books at the same time.

    *further update*

    Okay, I've done ALMOST ALL of the boring text editing. Gods above does it drain your will sometimes.

    It appears that somewhere along the way i included an error or two in describing the 'rebel' settlements which I've got to go over and fix. otherwise it ctd's you when you scroll over them. No fun!

    So, theres that. and then fixing the resources bug for settlements and voila... I should be ready to put out the first beta. Though beware - the first beta will likely be extremely unbalanced. The second one will include more balancing/new units, etc.. as will every future version probably include a bit of balancing.

    Again - I'm striving for supremacy of elves, rangers, and certain other units over their opponent orcs, goblins, and etc.

    I'm thinking of how i want to portray the uruks, and trolls now.

    I will likely include AI/battle upgrades in the future once i test the ones that are out there one by one with my mod (and THEN ask permission when i find the one i want

    update again - damn, i included a ] instead of an } in one of my text files, took me about an hour to find it. But find it i did, so... off to find another bug!

    **last update tonight** Okay, everything is working! yay! I've got the game working properly (though i admit i've got to go and remove some units from the strat file that were left over from vanilla TATW (funny using vanilla for a mod.. but there it is!)). I've decided against releasing what I have right now for two reasons, one... based on left over adjustments to the elves for my personal play style they are way over powered. And not even in a non-expansionist way. I was using house rules to limit myself, but as I'll be releasing this to other, I know house rules wont work, so i've actually got to go around and do a lot of that editing myself. But mainly however, its the lack of the settlements with the right images that bothers me. I'm not too sure where I went wrong (My Ranger's of the North all have settlements that look like isengard). But, I know it was when i used Geomod - so warning to all you editors out there. (I used it because I was adding in new settlements, and its damned easy to move units already on the map from one place to another.)

    This means I'll be releasing it tomorrow, tomorrow evening most likely, as I've got to go out and help my sister build her kitchen tomorrow - yes, its true, I'm good at modifying a lot of things! hehe. so i'll dive into all the settlement files tomorrow and get everything back to normal. I hope no one is upset by this, though I do believe I said in the begining I thought it would be two more days, so... tomorrow will be right on the money.

    I can say quickly though, it was damned fulfilling watching Dol Guldur/Angmar spread their tentacles out properly, and watching Erebor/Belegost, and the four elven factions tend to their own individual business instead of reacting like giant nations.

    Last thing - I've yet to include the diplomacy additions to my files, but i suspect it will take me no more than an hour to get everything working upright and properly, so no fear!
    Last edited by Renown; May 19, 2009 at 12:47 AM.
    Son of the Ancient Archaon, House of Siblesz

  4. #44

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    Alright, I updated/cleaned up my main post, and officially gave out my tentative release date, as well as what i'm considering for the future.
    Son of the Ancient Archaon, House of Siblesz

  5. #45

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    Awsome, am really looking forward to this mod, sounds like its going to be awsome + rep

  6. #46
    Stephan's Avatar Campidoctor
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    update again - damn, i included a ] instead of an } in one of my text files, took me about an hour to find it. But find it i did, so... off to find another bug!
    that normally takes 2 minutes to solve
    just look in the log, there it says the where your mistake is

    Yes, I know that Ishtar is spelled wrong

  7. #47

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    that normally takes 2 minutes to solve
    just look in the log, there it says the where your mistake is
    no, not always stephan. I've been doing this for years, I know where the log is, and its my first point of reference.

    Bugs will show you to invalid entries, like incorrect spacing in a family tree, or such. But they will not show you invalid code {descr_slave_town] for example which was what mine was. it will just crash when it tries to read it.

    =) dont need people thinking im stupid now, or they will never download this!
    Son of the Ancient Archaon, House of Siblesz

  8. #48

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    SCORE! So... I figured out whats what with the cities being all screwy.

    TATW uses 10 different factions to hold the files for the cities.

    Then they had the city of Minas Tirith created by (in this case) the aztecs, who are in my mod the dwarves, or Gorgoroth is russia.. etc..

    so, joy of joys. I found whats wrong! =)

    Now... I've got to figure out how to fix it. I may possibly just make 10 new factions like they did to hold the files.

    Problems - limit future expansion and factions places.

    A more permanent solution may end up being to either NOT use the graphics, or to literally prevent cities from ever reaching Huge (Osg), or castles to citadels (Minas Tirith), castles may be easy, because there is a 'star fortress' implemented already into M2TW... at least partially in code, and therefore not remove citadel from the rest of the faction. The huge city is another thing entirely... but i'll cross that road when I come to it.

    I suspect the TATW team had some minor difficulties decided what to do with this issue.
    Son of the Ancient Archaon, House of Siblesz

  9. #49
    Stephan's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    =) dont need people thinking im stupid now, or they will never download this!
    sorry just wanted to help

    Yes, I know that Ishtar is spelled wrong

  10. #50

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    sorry just wanted to help
    not a problem.

    Adding the 9 factions from the start went smoothly at first, but something caught a hinge, and in a moment of indecision and whim i decided NOT to fix the problem that way. Honestly it was only a stop gap fixture.

    I think I've found a way around this entire problem however. Yet, its an area i'm not experienced in, so it will take me more time. In the mean time I'm currently collecting all my files, and getting them together to upload here. WITHOUT the special graphics. (not a huge problem really)
    Son of the Ancient Archaon, House of Siblesz

  11. #51

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    + rep, even though I might not download this it's for all your hard work

  12. #52

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    more factions will make game more interesting

  13. #53

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    To be honest i was playing this and i kept thinking this is great but what it could really use is more factions. God send you are lol.

  14. #54

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    thanks, but only when i get it working.

    There were a lot of added scripts in 1.1, and some obviously refer to individual factions (presuming them to be owners or attackers of settlements) since i've added basically 9 new factions theres a lot of CTD bugs im working through at the moment.

    I can only get rid of one at a time, so its a bit time consuming. Find a bug - spend 20-30 minutes figuring out why its not working and 2 minutes fixing.. and then onto the next.

    I probably should have started adding factions in one at a time.. yikes.

    I could actually use a pre-beta tester over here to help me find bugs in each version.

    Preferably someone with experience.
    Last edited by Renown; May 20, 2009 at 07:06 PM.
    Son of the Ancient Archaon, House of Siblesz

  15. #55

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    Well, I don't have much experience in the matter, but I'd be very happy to help, if you can't find anyone else with more experience. I'd gladly assist you....I know a bit of scripting.

    But not much more than that, and I am really looking forward to its release! So if you need any type of testing or help of any kind, just give me a PM or something...if you need help....
    Last edited by Erutaron; May 20, 2009 at 07:43 PM.

  16. #56

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Archaon View Post
    Hey man, I'd just like to post here and say good luck getting your files together for the Tuesday release.
    From what i can tell in your PM's you are very motivated and have enough knowledge to get this done. Do not let the people who might say nonconstructive things thwart your progress, this mod is for you and you are sharing with those whom may like it as well, no one has to use it if they do not like it and those people are of no consequence to you or your progress.
    thanks, though according to my timeline i passed the release by a bit

    Some last minute errors popped up.

    I'm abusing Erutaron at the moment, and I'd really like one more person, with a bit more experience to help me track down the issues.
    Son of the Ancient Archaon, House of Siblesz

  17. #57

  18. #58

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    Not until I get my precious....
    Son of the Ancient Archaon, House of Siblesz

  19. #59

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Renown View Post
    thanks, though according to my timeline i passed the release by a bit

    Some last minute errors popped up.

    I'm abusing Erutaron at the moment, and I'd really like one more person, with a bit more experience to help me track down the issues.
    oh I could hardly call it abuse...

  20. #60

    Default Re: Divide And Conquer sub-mod

    i'm quite excited to play this one, splitting factions will add so much more

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