A total conversion for the Medieval II Total War - Kingdoms expansion
The Credits
Please view the credit list here on the forum or watch the credit list in-game to see all people who are involved in this huge project.
* Changelog for patch 1.1:
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
!!!Please note that the patch is save-game compatible, but I recommend to start a new campaign, because many features will not have an effect in an on-going campaign!!!
- white battle map interface (hotfix included)
- Dunedain Knights missing their melee weapon fixed
- wrong faction banners disabled
- missing rebels and mercenary unit cards fixed
- diplomatic text refers to wrong factions fixed
- Dale freeland archers' bows float in the air fixed
- Beorings javelins float on the air around them fixed
- snaga skirmishers weapon fixed
- new meshes for Isengard heavy Uruk-Hai units
- Breeland riders have invisible weapons fixed
- Uruk Halberdiers missing secondary weapon fixed
- Goblin Halberdiers missing secondary weapon fixed
- warg sprites added
- Troll Cage descriptions fixed
- Henneth Annun "object on battle map bug" fixed
- Horse Guard animation fixed
- rebel generals/captains with silver textures fixed
- Harad "invasion" mercenaries with silver textures fixed
- all floating cities and castles fixed
- hardly/unplayable bridge and river issues fixed
- new orcish diplomat/spy/assassin cards
- eryn dolen stuck at village fixed
- minor 2d symbols fixed
- 2hhanded orc error fixed
- New and huge sound package (a huge thanks to Smirk )
all medieval phrases deleted and replaced. No more sultans, gods and piety...
all wrong voice references to the vanilla factions fixed
new and reworked speeches for all factions and orcs
reworked all voices for campaign map
dwarves have own scottish accent
New troll sounds and orcish voices for battle map
fixed missing catapult impact sound
and more!
New unit and battle map balance
new animations for better unit cohesion
missile units weakened, ammunition varied, new elven arrow type
mumakil costs decreased, increased morale
trolls more vulnerbale to missiles, slower, more expensive throw units into the air, availability decreased
raised morale for all troops
improved cavalry and charges
improved stamina for dwarves and other units
halberds and spear units improved
arrow/ballista towers weakened, walls and gateways improved, more logical stats
many other little unit stats changes
new loading bar
several map improvements, like smoother and realistic rivers
new event pics for the orcish factions
northmen portraits added
events for advanced units are earlier
Eriador - High Elves alliance
no more witches
servants of Sauron slightly weakend
Generals can get older
More logical character traits at campaign start
garrison script slightly nerfed
good factions will survive longer
new fire textures and sound for burning men and burning buildings
Included Sub-Mods
non breakable alliances without a diplomat (Thanks to Archaon)
smoother coastlines (Thanks to Nevada)
improved Eldar models (Thanks to Razor)
Germanicu5 Battle AI (Thanks to Germanicu5)
Germanicu5 stakes script (Thanks to Germanicu5)
Witchking model (Thanks to Devils_Advocate)
spelling mistakes fixed (Thanks to Krazy Krook)
** Changelog for patch 1.2:
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!!!Please note that the patch is not save-game compatible, otherwise you will have messed up traits and ancillaries!!!
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Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Blackroot Vale Archers
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Guards of Khazad-dûm
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Warg Riders for OoMM
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Animated Bows, bowstrings and arrows
New battle AI and formations
Generals are aging correctly
More generals with hero abilities
Hero Biographies
3 summer turns, one winter turn
better autoresolve & faction balance
New victory videos (Thanks to MasterBigAb)
Armor upgrades for all units
No penalty for executing evil prisoners as a good faction and vice versa
New building icons for evil factions
Notification for the one ring
Two new river custom battle maps
Unit stat changes
Recruitment changes
Slightly changed win conditions
More notification texts
Trolls only in mountain areas available
AI morale bonus
Assassins weakened
Money reduction end-game
Better ancillary/character traits triggers
Deletion of (almost) all wrong/medieval text references
Evil factions not recognized as destroyed fixed
Snaga archers weapons fixed
Wrong strat map buildings fixed
dwarven axes texture on pikemen fixed
axethrowers get tall while running fixed
many trait and ancillary fixes
missing witchking trait fixed
more river crossings fixed
Crusade banners fixed
evil ransom/execution sounds fixed
pelargir marines & rangers model fixed
Rhun horse guard textures fixed
Dain's hall fortress upper level floating fixed
Missing unit descriptions fixed
Visual Enhancement (Thanks to Louis Lux & maxmazi)
Reworked Gondor Militia (Thanks to matko)
Unique Buildings (Thanks to axnsan)
Smoother Coastlines 1.0 (Thanks to Nevada)
Retextures Elf Sentinels for armor upgrade (Thanks to bilwit)
*** Changelog for patch 1.3:
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Patch 1.3 Features & Fixes
!!!Please note that the patch is not save-game compatible!!!
Beorning units available as mercenaries in Anduin-Vale
New armor upgrade textures for Heavy Silvan Elves units
New Heroes and Textures (Legolas, Haldir, Theoden, Ugluk, Grishnak)
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Map improvements
- 2 new settlements
- 1 new fort
- snowbourne river near Edoras
- Esgaroth lies in lake esgaroth
- some mountain areas fixed
- several more little things
New event pictures & portraits
New dwarven building icons and unit info cards
New event messages if a faction leader died
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
More realistic Mordor climate with thunder, clouds and better lightning
Germanicu5 for his AI and for answering my countless questions.
maxmazi! Yes, I still have to use your graphics card
**** Changelog for patch 1.4:
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Patch 1.4 Features & Fixes
!!!Please note that the patch is not save-game compatible!!!
New Units
- The Balrog
- Uruk-hai cleavers
- Guards of the Orthanc
- Troll-men of Harad
- Improved Ithilien Rangers
New Heroes (by bilwit)
- Boromir
- Faramir
- Glorfindel
- Elladan and Elrohir
- King Aragorn Elessar
New Settlements and Reskins
- New Castles for all orcish settlements (based on Teutonic order castles)
no civilian buildings
no farms
a lot of space to fight in the castles
- Minas Tirith reskinned
- Gondor uses south european, dwarves northern european models
Map Changes
- Many new and changed strat map models
Rammas Echor for Minas Tirith with attackable forts
New hero strat map models
New strat map models for orcish castles
Settlement model sizes adjusted
New dwarven strat models
- New terrain and map textures
- Geography more to middle-earth lore
- Reworked mountain and forest areas
- 5 new settlements
- Small climate changes
Changes of Settlement mechanics
- Citadels limited to Minas Tirith & Barad-dur, Isengard, Moria
- Huge Cities only possible at Dol Amroth, Bree, Umbar, Kelepar, Khand, Dale, Erebor
- less and varied population growth
- less order & happiness for the player
- less income through farming
--> a harder game for the player and more difficult to manage empire happiness, population growth and income.
Other Features
- New Battle AI by Germanicu5
- 6 New regional videos if certain regions are reached
- reeinforcements are now controllable on the battlefield
- Different Bodyguards for several Heroes
- ancillary/trait changes
- public baths/aqueduct for elves deleted
- archers sligthly weakened
- some interface changes
- a few new animations
- slightly changed missions rewards
- darker nights
- campaign and battle map balance changes
- some recruitment changes
- more little things...
Bug Fixes
- Evil factions won't die because lack of family members
- several unit model fixes
- Grishnak battle model fixed
- (hopefully) all unplayable battle maps fixed
- many more little things
Special thanks and credits
bilwit - for the new hero models and the superb texturing MasterBigAB - for all his support and the awesome in-game videos Germanicu5 - for his new Battle AI gracul - for some tips and help NSFW - for his hints, tips and research about the sudden death of evil factions HGLordKoal - for telling me the reeinforcement feature was missing Twist of Cain - for inspiring me to change the orcish castles
- Requirement is an installed Third Age - Total War 1.3.
- Install TATW_1.4_Patch.exe into the default 'Medievall II Total' War directory.
(Normally this is: 'Programs/SEGA/Medieval II Total War')
If you have installed Medieval II into another folder, please select the folder manually.
- Start the mod with the 'Third Age - Total War' shortcut on your desktop
And happy new year everyone!!!
***** Changelog for Bugfixer 1.4.1:
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
!!!Please note that the Bugfixer is save-game compatible, but some changes (i.e two possible crash reasons in the early Ai turns) will only work with a new campaign !!!
!!!Also note that this bugfixer works only with a clean 1.4 installation, it is (obviously) not compatible with most sub-mods. !!!
#possible crash with Silvan Elves AI fixed
#possible crash with Rhun AI fixed
#missing win conditions fixed
#missing "end turn" sound for Gondor
#duplicated Dunedain Ranger unit
#missing imrahil portrait
#faramir's missing sword
#mising unit cards for some Bodyguard units
#wrong texture of Uruk pikes
#wrong texture of Eldar Lancers secondary weapon
#wrong texture of Mountain Troll hands
#troll cages can no longer be build without the "troll" resource
#some family tree age corrections
#no more chivalry for joining crusades
#accepting Aragorn can not give Aragorn bad traits
Other little changes:
#family trees extended (should prevent even more that evil faction can suddenly die)
#Half-Men and Hasharii improved
#some small unit stats changes
#some campaign script changes
And so we all now gather At the Breaking of the world Men and all Why is it? We seek the end To see what lies Beyond the glass The doors of night Defeated with shining light
Because we seek to gather To see what lies beyond To say we fought At the breaking of the world
And when all is shattered And you see it What shall you say? What is it that you will have seen? Things glorious You shall fall to your knees
For it is a thing of men To fight at the bleakest times For who now can stand against the encroaching dark Tell me now Who was it that broke the world this way?
It was the hearts of Men So easy to fall Deep down unto the Fray
For they say Now fight, fight on my friends Now is the time Do not falter Do not fear The light is hear
What now shall await you? Beyond your Greatest Fear?
I wanna lie, lie to myself, myself and someone else. Cause it’s the lying that hurts, and it’s the hurt that lets me know I’m alive.”