This is what I came to these forums to find out about, back at the beginning of the year. I wanted a Wardog unit to add as a mercenary unit out on the steppes. When I asked at the time, the response I got was a simple 'no'. Nine months and my own mod later, and with just a few hours of trial and error and I know there is a way after all.
Step 1: EDU
At the top of EDU, commented out is the files info section. Here there is a reference to animal.
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So we create a new unit with the 'category' set as handler, (I used the existing AS Ballista, as it is obsolete in my mod). Its easy enough to clone an existing unit. descr_formations refers to handler, so we know it can be used.
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Next we add the stats for the animal and all the other info to the new units details.
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So the category is handler, the animal is wardogs, the formation is more spread out than a regular unit, stat_sec are the animals attack stats with stat_sec_armour its
defensive stats.
Step 2: descr_animals
Now, according to descr_animals:-
animal class (current possibilities - wardog, pig)
So we must use one of these unless we want to create a new battle model. (I don't even own a 3d application, so thats a no go for me).
But there are no battle model for dogs or pigs, so we must change the info in descr_animals.
type wardog
class wardog
model wardog
radius 0.75
x_radius 0.35
height 1.0
mass 1.0
type wardog
class wardog
model mount_elephant
radius 0.75
x_radius 0.35
height 1.0
mass 1.0
Now, there is deffinitely a battlemodel for mount_elephant so we know this should work!
Here's the proof from testing...
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The new unit behaves in exactly the same way as its forerunner in RTW did, all the info the game needs to make this work is already in place.
The only thing omited in M2TW was the actual models and anims for the dogs and pigs.
Any model maker with experience of creating new battlemodels from scratch should be able to put together a decent dog or pig or anything else they fancy for that matter and we will have a great new unit.
As someone who has no experience with models I must now wait and hope that someone with as much enthusiasm as myself will make the project complete. (Either that or I learn to use 3ds, :hmmm