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Thread: Català (Catalan)

  1. #161

    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Quote Originally Posted by LDKsoldier View Post
    Tema a part, Maulet, estàs tambe en el forum de TaleWorlds?
    Doncs no, de què es tracta? és també un joc d'estratègia o així?

    Quote Originally Posted by Almogaver View Post
    Força company!!
    Gràcies, Almogàver. La veritat és que aquest any les manifestacions valencianistes (:= no blaveres) celebrades amb motiu de la commemoració del 25 d'Abril han tingut una particpació força més alta del que és habitual... Sembla que alguna cosa es mou...
    Last edited by Maulet; April 27, 2010 at 07:27 AM.
    Science is either Physics or stamp-collecting. Ernest Rutherford

  2. #162

    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Quote Originally Posted by Maulet View Post
    Doncs no, de què es tracta? és també un joc d'estratègia o així?
    És el forum dels jocs Mount and Blade i Warband. Ho dic perquè em sembla que allà hi ha un que té un nick semblant al teu. Deu ser un altre català

  3. #163
    Almogaver's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Ei! algú sap dir alguna cosa del Napoleon: Total War? del tema Catalunya com a facció? (del Napoleon en general ja en tenim prou informació aquí al twc..)

  4. #164

    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    whats the difference between spanish and catalan ? is it bigger than the difference between portuguese and spanish ?

  5. #165

    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Quote Originally Posted by garudamon11 View Post
    whats the difference between spanish and catalan ? is it bigger than the difference between portuguese and spanish ?
    I think that the difference is ~ the same.

  6. #166

    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Quote Originally Posted by garudamon11 View Post
    whats the difference between spanish and catalan ? is it bigger than the difference between portuguese and spanish ?

    All romance languages have certain similarities, however, spanish (more correctly castillian, for it's the language of the region of castilla, which ocupied the rest of what is now called spain), because of the influence of basque and arab, it's generally regarded as the most different of romance languages. Thus the difference between catalan, portuguese, italian, occitan or french between them is much lower than that of any of them with spanish. A most notable difference is that spanish has only 5 vowels, whilst most of the other romance languages have more vocalic sounds. For instance catalan has seven written diferent vocals, and several ways of pronouncing them. Another would be the lack of distintion b/v in spanish that exists in all other indoeuropean languages that i know.

    In any case, gramatical, lexical, and pronounciational differences are big enough to consider it a different language if that was your question.
    Science is either Physics or stamp-collecting. Ernest Rutherford

  7. #167
    Almogaver's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Quote Originally Posted by Maulet View Post
    All romance languages have certain similarities, however, spanish (more correctly castillian, for it's the language of the region of castilla, which ocupied the rest of what is now called spain), because of the influence of basque and arab, it's generally regarded as the most different of romance languages. Thus the difference between catalan, portuguese, italian, occitan or french between them is much lower than that of any of them with spanish. A most notable difference is that spanish has only 5 vowels, whilst most of the other romance languages have more vocalic sounds. For instance catalan has seven written diferent vocals, and several ways of pronouncing them. Another would be the lack of distintion b/v in spanish that exists in all other indoeuropean languages that i know.

    In any case, gramatical, lexical, and pronounciational differences are big enough to consider it a different language if that was your question.
    Això mateix!

  8. #168

    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Quote Originally Posted by Maulet View Post
    All romance languages have certain similarities, however, spanish (more correctly castillian, for it's the language of the region of castilla, which ocupied the rest of what is now called spain), because of the influence of basque and arab, it's generally regarded as the most different of romance languages. Thus the difference between catalan, portuguese, italian, occitan or french between them is much lower than that of any of them with spanish. A most notable difference is that spanish has only 5 vowels, whilst most of the other romance languages have more vocalic sounds. For instance catalan has seven written diferent vocals, and several ways of pronouncing them. Another would be the lack of distintion b/v in spanish that exists in all other indoeuropean languages that i know.

    In any case, gramatical, lexical, and pronounciational differences are big enough to consider it a different language if that was your question.

  9. #169

    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Ei penya, no se si ja ho sabíeu, però hi ha un chan en català, avera si us passeu a penjar qualsevol parida o a comentar sobre qualsevol cosa i s'anima una mica.

  10. #170
    Almogaver's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Quote Originally Posted by SubBD View Post
    Ei penya, no se si ja ho sabíeu, però hi ha un chan en català, avera si us passeu a penjar qualsevol parida o a comentar sobre qualsevol cosa i s'anima una mica.
    Perdoneu la meva ignorància però... què és un xan?

  11. #171

    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Un chan es un imageboard, un fòrum, un lloc d'intercanvi d'imatges, comentaris, forma anònima, no cal registrar-se ni res, vas allà i ho pujes, i es van creant "threads" on altre gent i pot anar publicant les seves respostes o obrir nous threads.
    El mes famós i mes visitat de tots es 4Chan amb c no amb x, allà i pots trobar de tot, i quan dic de tot es de tot creume, casi que està considerat com el cancer d'internet, busca 4chan a google i mira el que es comenta.

  12. #172
    Almogaver's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Quote Originally Posted by SubBD View Post
    Un chan es un imageboard, un fòrum, un lloc d'intercanvi d'imatges, comentaris, forma anònima, no cal registrar-se ni res, vas allà i ho pujes, i es van creant "threads" on altre gent i pot anar publicant les seves respostes o obrir nous threads.
    El mes famós i mes visitat de tots es 4Chan amb c no amb x, allà i pots trobar de tot, i quan dic de tot es de tot creume, casi que està considerat com el cancer d'internet, busca 4chan a google i mira el que es comenta.
    Acabo de fer-hi una ullada... i he perdut tota fe en la humanitat... la gent té molt poca feina.

  13. #173
    LordKainES's Avatar Ducenarius
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    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Quote Originally Posted by Maulet View Post
    All romance languages have certain similarities, however, spanish (more correctly castillian, for it's the language of the region of castilla, which ocupied the rest of what is now called spain), because of the influence of basque and arab, it's generally regarded as the most different of romance languages. Thus the difference between catalan, portuguese, italian, occitan or french between them is much lower than that of any of them with spanish. A most notable difference is that spanish has only 5 vowels, whilst most of the other romance languages have more vocalic sounds. For instance catalan has seven written diferent vocals, and several ways of pronouncing them. Another would be the lack of distintion b/v in spanish that exists in all other indoeuropean languages that i know.

    In any case, gramatical, lexical, and pronounciational differences are big enough to consider it a different language if that was your question.
    Arab influence have all Hispanic languages, because they were in all Peninsula, not only spanish, that only has many words!

    In valencian language we have a lot of arabic words...

    The difference is that Spanish language is one of the most evolved latin languages, because the constant changes!

  14. #174
    Almogaver's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Ei! com anem? fa temps que ningú diu res... com passareu aquest estiu? treballant? estudiant? de vancances? o una mica de tot? jo no faig mai vacances a l'estiu i amb la calor que fa ara mateix me'n moro de ganes que arribi la tardor!

  15. #175

    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKainES View Post
    Arab influence have all Hispanic languages, because they were in all Peninsula, not only spanish, that only has many words!

    In valencian language we have a lot of arabic words...

    The difference is that Spanish language is one of the most evolved latin languages, because the constant changes!
    Certainly catalan has also many words from arab origin, especially in the Valencian dialects, but you'll have to admit that andalusian is much more influenced by arab than catalan is.

    I hope that speaking of "valencian language" was anly an expression, for we all know that valencian (my own mother tongue) is a variety of western catalan (Català occidental)
    Science is either Physics or stamp-collecting. Ernest Rutherford

  16. #176
    LordKainES's Avatar Ducenarius
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    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Quote Originally Posted by Maulet View Post
    Certainly catalan has also many words from arab origin, especially in the Valencian dialects, but you'll have to admit that andalusian is much more influenced by arab than catalan is.

    I hope that speaking of "valencian language" was anly an expression, for we all know that valencian (my own mother tongue) is a variety of western catalan (Català occidental)
    Lo de la llengua valenciana no es una expressió amic meu, és una realitat... des-de fa mes segles que el Català.

    No vull entrar en polemica amb aixó que quede clar...

  17. #177

    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Mare meva, com està la gent en aquest país amb aquests temes. Jo he viscut dos anys a Alcoy, es a dir, dins la comunitat Valenciana on m'ensenyaven que el Valencià era una llengua. Després vaig anar a viure a Girona, es a dir, a Catalunya on em van ensenyar que el Català era una llengua, però el Valencià un dialecte seu... Crec que es necessita més disciplina i posar un coneixement oficial en comú per a tots. El fet que en cada territori s'ensenyi una cosa totalment diferent, només provocarà problemes a la llarga, problemes que poden ser greus.
    Com molts ja sabeu jo no soc ni Català ni Espanyol, per tant a mi no m'afecta de cap manera cap sentiment nacionalista en aquests temes (encara que porti més de la meva mitat a la península, no em sento ni Espanyol ni Català, però tampoc Lituà. Em sento únicament europeu). Puc observar tot aquest "conflicte" des d'una perspectiva objectiva i des de primera persona.

  18. #178
    Almogaver's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Doncs jo em sento català i europeu. I el tema de la llengua és ben senzill: el català i el valencià són la mateixa llengua (a partir d'aquí que tothom l'anomeni com vulgui) i el que es parla a Mallorca també. Igual que el que es parla a Alemanya i a Àustria i Suïssa és alemany encara que un suís i un alemany gairebé no s'entenguin entre ells.
    No se què s'ensenya a València però em sembla molt trist que hagim de discutir sobre una cosa tan evident.

  19. #179

    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKainES View Post
    Lo de la llengua valenciana no es una expressió amic meu, és una realitat... des-de fa mes segles que el Català.

    No vull entrar en polemica amb aixó que quede clar...

    Sí, valdrà més que no entres... Fonamentalment perquè estàs en un error... És, talment, com si vulgueres argumentar que la terra és plana, qualsevol que haja viatjat una mica sap que no ho és, i la resta solen confiar en les mesures fetes pels científics... Sembla que tú confies més en les mentides discordiants creades per Madrid per tenir-nos enfrontats amb la resta de catalanoparlants. Només vull que sàpigues que aquesta discòrdia que tu dius que fa no sé quants anys que va és força recent, concretament de la "batalla de València", i que abans ningú amb dos dits de front posava en dubte la unitat de la llengua, és més, curiosament, aquells que defensen que el valencià és un idioma propi, solen ser castellanoparlants... I conste que jo sóc valencià, de la Plana, i sovint anomene la llengua que parle Valencià, però sóc ben conscient que és la mateixa llengua que es parla a Perpinyà, a Tremp, o a L'Alguer, i que a nivell formal i internacional s'anomena Català. Això no em fa català, ni molt menys, ni tampoc fa castellans els Peruans el fet que parlen castellà, ni Anglesos els Nord-Americans (exceptuant Mèxic i el Quebec) per parlar anglès... Per tant, no entenc quin interès tens a que siguen considerades llengües diferents...
    Last edited by Maulet; July 13, 2010 at 03:33 PM.
    Science is either Physics or stamp-collecting. Ernest Rutherford

  20. #180
    Yuiis's Avatar Senator
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    St. Pere Vilamajor, Barcelona, Catalunya

    Default Re: Català (Catalan)

    La cosa es molt simple. Qui diu que el valencia es una llengua? El govern del PP. Qui diu que el valencia es un dialecte del catala? Les institucions lingüistiques tant catalanes com valencianes. Fi del problema.

    La denominació pot ser la de Llengua Valenciana? Si i tant, a més es historic i correcte. Pero es el mateix idioma que el Catala, o que el Balear (Torno a repetir, tal i com diuen institucions valencianes i catalanes.)

    (...) and that unfortunate People were afterwards forced to undergo the utmost Miseries of a Siege, in their Capital City of Barcelona; during which, great Multitudes of them perished by Famine and the Sword, many of them have since been executed; and great Numbers of the Nobility of Catalonia, who, for their Constancy and Bravery in Defence of their Liberties, and for their Services in Conjunction with Her Majesty and Her Allies, had, in all Honour, Justice, and Conscience, the highest Claim to Her Majesty's Protection, are now dispersed in Dungeons throughout the Spanish Dominions.
    -Journal of the House of Lords: volume 20: 1714-1717, pp. 136-144.

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