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Thread: More historical name faction for the greeks

  1. #1

    Default More historical name faction for the greeks

    Hi guys I am a fan of this very great mod
    But I write to say that for me there is a historical error for the name of the Greeks, koinon is used more related for federations like aecheans or aetolians but not to alliance between poleis, in that case Cremonidean league is not a union or federation but a simple alliance between city-states, the greek term more related to a alliance between poleis is symmachia.
    I write this information if can interest for the modders.
    It compliments for this nice mod and sorry for my English

  2. #2

    Default Re: More historical name faction for the greeks

    Hey Principe Alessandro,

    Learned first post! While you are generally true about the nature of koinon v. symmachia, if we look to the inscription concerning what scholars would now call "the Chremonidean alliance" we see that the institution effected by the agreement was called "the koinon of the hellenes." Still, you are quite right in that symmachia is used in the inscription to refer to the individual parties to the koinon. The distinction is perhaps that, while the alliance is principally military, symmachia connotes military objective in a way that koinon does not. Koinon can just as easily refer to economic, political, juridical, or cultural ties, and so fits better with the intended Hellenic (honestly, its actually Ptolemaic) purpose of inspiring a Pan-Hellenic resistance to Makedonian repression.

    Very good point, and thanks for keeping us on our toes! I hope you enjoy the mod, and have fun playing as the Koinon Hellenon!

  3. #3

    Default Re: More historical name faction for the greeks

    Before I don't know that the cremonidean league isn't only an alliance but also a sort of union in other themes not only military, thanks for this information

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