Yeah I realized that I needed to build the first level of trading colony before I could upgrade the military occupation. I thought I was missing a reform because I couldnt see it in the roman administration building list.
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Is this going to be update for 2.2 anytime soon?
Hi guys,
has anyone reached reforms with Carthage? Can someone helps me understand them? According from the images in "Faction goverments and colonies" thread, I need to have some battles with Rome and "invade Iberia with pro-barcid general", and the reforms trigger after 237BC.
Now, what counts as invasion? Currently I possess Turdetania and Bastetania and the year is 236BC. Will I have to conquer another iberian province with barcid war leader or is bastetania enough? Do goverments make any difference? Are there branches of reforms (like anti-barcid way to get them)?
Any information would be welcome :)
Thanks for a quick answer! Much appreciated!
Why can i trigger the Reform of marian and Augustian troops?
There are no Augustan reforms yet, and when they do eventually happen, you'll only get one new unit (Praetorian Cohort).
If you're expecting to ever get "imperial" legionaries with lorica segmentata, this is not the mod for you. Because they're never going to happen.
Quick question regarding the Carthage reforms. I was able to hit the trigger for the first one, which enabled the new reforms in Spain. Is there a second reform that I need to hit to enable the changes to spread to the rest of my territory?
Any chance the OP will be updated for v2.2a?
An updated wuold great! :)
Any Reform for the Getai? ;)
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I've now updated this to reflect the situation in the 2.2b campaign_script.
Should not the refroms for Sweboz and Lugiones appear later in the game? I thought that their reform units epresent first century bc units.
Thanks a lot Quintus really. It really felt neccesarry to have this information to enjoy some factions to their gull capability and the information was inacurate and outdated here and the accurate one was scattered among the threads so I really appreciate to have a quick guide in one palce with official information.
Thanks! Waiting eagerly for 2.2b. Keep up the good work team ;)
This thread is extremely useful QS, many thanks for keeping it updated, this and mantaprey's government guide will be a great help to everyone :)
Although I have one small question is the indo-parthian reform working in 2.2b? Its not listed here but Mantaprey's thread says that the trigger for indo-parthian is to "send a high influence suren clan governor to india"
I haven't tested if it works but if it does it will certainly be helpful to list the exact trigger in the OP