You can't. It's basically verging on a scam at this point. Don't bother with this submod.
johnukguy Today, 08:25 AMHoping to add ambient housing that surrounds the towns/settlements. Any help greatly appreciated
I can try to help, I don't have much time to spare but I could at least help with bug fixing or with anything that it's not very much time consuming.
b0Gia de Bodemloze Today, 07:49 AMWe are in the bizzare situation to have soon extremly unique battle map settlements but no ACTIVE scripter.
_tartaros_ made many changes and assitions
Not sure who you asked, there's only one person who creates these scripts and that is Jurcek. I doubt he ever said that he doesn't know how to create
Wallachian Today, 06:03 AM
Hyboria TW start
This time I decided to get all my friends to create a very attractive BagaturSasha September 26, 2024 12:16 PM