The FBI doesn't order informants. They're just people who knowingly or otherwise provide them with information.
Laser101 Today, 03:46 AMOct 7-style attacks? Involving 6000 militants and 1000 rockets? By the MAGAs? On American cities? Yeah, who knows indeed. But here is a wild guess...
Alastor Today, 03:30 AMThis is one of those situations where I like to point out that someone's delusions are self-defeating.
The GOP has failed to convict Hillary
Informants are not agents. Legio is hoping none of us are aware of this.
It is very common for both local and state police as
Re: Why do you believe in God, or why not?
Early Christianity and Orthodox Christianity: God loves you unconditionally and wants you to return to Him and waits for you with open arms. He even helps
Sir Adrian Today, 04:27 AM