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  • The Knights Hospitaller

    The Order of St. John or the Knights Hospitaller. The order is dedicated to caring and protecting pilgrims and Christian interests in the Holy Land. Motto - "Pro Fide, Pro Utilitate Hominum" Translated - "for the faith and in the service of humanity"

    Allies - The Knights Templar, Sparta

    Current Ranking system:

    1.) Grand Master (Templar Hospitaller) - Leads over the order and can preform any of the functions of other members. Stays in power until the Grand Master resigns or shows a great lack of activity. After which a new one is elected by the senior members of the order.

    2.) Seneschal (Templar Crusader) - Acts as the Grand Master's second in command and advises him. Generally has the same functions as the Grand Master. Chosen or removed by the Grand Master.

    3.) Marshal (PubliusKhannus) - acts as the general leader of the crusades. Directs the crusades, watches over and promotes lesser members. Chosen by Grandmaster and Seneschal.

    4.) Under Marshal (The Unknown Knight) - Assists the Marshal with his duties, has authority over lower members. Keeps track of other member's ranks. Chosen by Marshal.

    5.) Standard Bearer (Thomas Hospitaller) - Responsible for recruiting more members and advertising the order.

    6.) Draper - In charge of creating custom pictures for the group. Must be skilled in that area and approved by the Grand Master.

    7.) Commanders - Polices the order's threads. There can be more than one (Each commander assigned to a thread).

    8.) Knights - The basic rank the order. Responsible for participating in the crusades once they are called. Can Petition higher members if they wish to increase their rank.

    9.) Sergeants (Miniwally, Swagger, helmersen, jml322, dragonsign, lord_mecharius, hippolord, cooltosha) - The rank that all new members start in. Can be promoted to knight by giving a donation to the order (rep or donation to the archives), this is supposed to represent the donations members had to give upon joining the order as knights.

    (Rankings by Templar Crusader)

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: December 10, 2021 04:35 PM

    36 member(s)
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    The Knights Hospitaller
  • Maltese People

    Maltese or Half Maltese people group

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: August 16, 2012 02:47 PM

    9 member(s)
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    so few maltese here?
  • The Christian Evolutionists Group

    For Christians who believe Genesis is allegorical not literal truth and who believe that Darwin's theory of evolution is true and not inherently atheistic.

    No creationists or atheists allowed!

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: May 16, 2018 01:24 AM

    26 member(s)
  • Catalans Total War

    Aquest grup acollirŕ a tots els catalans amants de Total War, per conversar sobre la temŕtica Total War. També es podran exposar altres temes d'oci, com música, esports o altres, perň sempre relacionats amb la nostra Terra: Catalunya.

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: June 06, 2012 12:52 PM

    6 member(s)
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    Catalans Total War
  • Team Fortress 2 players

    To praise, discuss and laugh at the coolest FPS ever. Upon joining please tell us your Steam account name and your in-game display name, so we can play together.

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: September 03, 2021 02:50 AM

    19 member(s)
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    Team Fortress 2 players
  • The IRON MAIDEN fans of TWC

    This group is for discussing IRON MAIDEN and the other bands of the New wave of British heavy metal as well as other groups in metal. UP THE IRONS!!

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: March 22, 2013 08:57 AM

    20 member(s)
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    The IRON MAIDEN fans of TWC
  • The Freedom League

    The group for all those who love freedom, this group is dedicated to all people who support or desire liberty from tyranny.

    The great only appear great because we are on our knees. Let us rise.

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: May 16, 2018 01:25 AM

    10 member(s)
    This group doesn't have any discussions yet.
  • Star Wars fan group

    This is the fan group for Star Wars (and the Star Wars : Galactic Wars mod)

    Discussions related to Star Wars or the Star Wars : Galactic Wars mod which aren't allowed (off topic) in our mod sub forum, are allowed here.

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:25 PM

    83 member(s)
  • The Kingdom of Georgia

    საქართველოს სამეფო

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: September 29, 2021 10:44 AM

    43 member(s)
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    The Kingdom of Georgia
  • Israel

    A group for all those who live in Israel, wish to live in Israel or have plans to live in Israel!

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: March 16, 2014 11:15 AM

    17 member(s)
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