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  • Kosovo is Serbia

    For all people who think that Kosovo is part of Serbia ie for all sane and normal people out there

    Last Activity: May 12, 2024 08:26 AM

    224 member(s)
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    Kosovo is Serbia
  • Preussische Heer

    The Preussische Heer is a social group and TWC politics-related organization for those seeking to maintain and share the good sides of the discipline and glory of old 18th and 19th-century Prussia. We praise order, value mutual respect, and of course prefer to have that old military touch to whatever it is we do. Join our ranks on the path to glory!


    Section I - What We Are

    i) the Preussische Heer is a political group on TWC in the sense that we pursue fictional, purely TWC-related policies. We neither have nor wish to have any real-world political affiliation, and are not related to any extinct or extant ideologies.

    ii) the Preussische Heer attempts to maintain certain 'Prussian' traits both inside and outside the confinement of the Social Group space/board. To do this, a series of rules have been lined out for members to follow in order to remain part the group. These rules are not designed or intended to collide or conflict with the existing TWC ToS or practice, and a number of things must therefore be highlighted:

    iia.) the official languages of use inside the group board are English and Prenglish. Outside the group, however, use of Prenglish is strongly discouraged as it may be seen as disturbing or disruptive in discussions across the forums.

    iib.) group members are given ranks, and are meant to address each other by rank inside the group board, but use of ranks outside the group is inappropriate unless the circumstances are especially moderate. Furthermore, ranks hold no actual meaning outside the group space; and a non-member should not address members by rank.

    iic.) the rank system is not an incentive for flaming or derogatory comments. Higher-ranking members do not hold any direct command over the lower-ranking members, but are merely administrators and leaders of the group in general.

    iii) the aim of the group is to hold values that lead us into working professionally and with discipline with whatever it is we do on TWC. We seek to achieve the greatest possible quality - not quantity - and therefore try to maintain a good, solid grammar, the attitude that completion goes before time restriction, and that smileys should be spared unless the occassion requires them.

    Section II - Some General Notes

    i) We wish to have order, and as such, our social group is organized into separate Regiments, each comprising as many members as seen fit. Each Regiment is lead by a Oberregimentkapitein-Regimentkommandant; several Regiments help shape a Battalion, under the command of an Obergeneral-Feltmajor. These are collectively commanded by the Staff of the Preussische Heer, which assigns new members to Regiments in need.

    ii) New members are by default given the rank of Menig (private). Advancement through ranks depends on prestige, and is granted by officers holding appropriate positions in relation to the rank of the member (such as Regiment commanders for Regiment-level ranks, and Battalion commanders for Battalion-level ranks). Rank advancement can be vetoed by higher-ranking officers if deemed necessary.

    iii) To each rank belongs an insignia, i.e. the Menig rank is characterized by the > rank insignia, and this may be worn in the custom user title or the signature, or even the avatar, depending on the member's preferences. Rank insignia use is highly recommended to avoid confusion, but is not compulsory. The rank name may be used instead of, or together with, the insignia. To characterize the insigniae as ranks of the Preussiche Heer, the member should write Preussische Heer Rang [...] or PHR [...] next to the insignia.

    iv) Using the insignia or name of a rank which the member does not belong to is highly inappropriate and will be viewed negatively, as a violation of Preussische Heer procedures, by higher-ranking members, which may lead to either demotion or even forced discharge.

    v) Members should have some form of avatar, custom user title or signature trait that identifies him/her with the Preussische Heer. Symbols that characterize the Preussische Heer are: pickelhauben (including variations), the Prussian eagle, famous Prussian people (including Frederick II), Prussian 18th- and 19th century uniforms, and the flag of Prussia. Text directly referring to the Preussische Heer in the signature, for instance, is also adequate.

    vi) The Preussische Heer uses a custom substitute for most other smileys. While spamming it is discouraged, its use for limited purposes is highly encouraged.

    Section III - Newly Enrolled Members' Conduct

    i) New members will be referred to, and addressed by, the rank of Menig unless immediately promoted by the staff of the Preussische Heer. A new member will be assigned to a commanding regimental officer (Oberregimentkapitein-Regimentkommandant) and the regiment of that officer, and then initiate his career within the Preussische Heer. The member is then fully able to participate in all of the discussions and activities of the Preussische Heer.

    ii) New members can be promoted. A PM is either sent by the applicant to an officer of the command instance above with a request to be promoted, or, if the appropriate officer himself is attempting to promote the applicant, sent by the officer to the applicant once the promotion has been successfully approved by higher staff. Once the promotion has been approved, the member will be allowed to discard his old rank information and use the newly acquired rank title and insignia. He will be addressed by the new rank title.

    Section IV - Officers' Conduct

    i) Officers of the Preussische Heer are to set an example for lower-ranking members through exemplary conduct, fair but disciplined judgement, and the readiness to promote or demote members based on prestige and actions only.

    ii) Officers may promote members of the command instance below them by sending an application to the three highest-ranking Preussische Heer officers of the level of command above them, unless the member to be promoted is below officer rank and about to advance no further than a rank below officer rank, in which case no application has to be sent. The applications will be viewed with varying degrees of attention depending on the level of command involved - applicants' speed of advancing should prefertably decrease with increasing rank. It is impossible to advance more than one rank at a time above unteroffizier level. Should one, or more, of the three highest-ranking officers of the command instance above the application-sending officer decline the application, the applicant will not be promoted, and will remain unpromotable for at least four days. Should one, or more, of these three officers not be present, an officer of the rank below, not already committed to the task of viewing the application, will be sent the application. Once the application has succeeded, the applicant will be promoted to the relevant rank, with the appropriate procedures (read the Newly Enrolled Members' Conduct for further reference).


    Section V - Ranks

    Ranks are listed in order of command instance. The title of the rank is written first, then the insignia of the rank.

    Regimentsische Unteroffizerische Rangen:

    Menig >

    Obermenig >>

    Unterkorpral >>>

    Oberkorpral, 2nd Class 0>

    Oberkorpral, 1st Class 0>>

    Untersergeant 0|

    Obersergeant-Unteroffizier 0||

    Regimentsische Offizerische Rangen:

    Unterleutnant [] or I

    Oberleutnant, 2nd Class [•] or I.

    Oberleutnant, 1st Class [••] or I:

    Unterregimentkapitein [][] or II

    Oberregimentkapitein-Regimentkommandant [•][•] or II.

    Unterbattalionische Rangen:

    Major <^>

    Feltmajor <.^.>

    Obermajor <:^:>

    Oberfeltmajor <.:^:.>

    Oberst-Unterkommandant -==-

    Oberst-Leutnant-Kommandant -=•=-

    Oberst-Feltmajor-Oberkommandant -=••=-

    Feltoberst-Oberfeltmajor-Oberstkommandant -=•••=-

    Oberbattalionische Rangen:

    General *

    General-Leutnant **

    Feltgeneral-Major ***

    Obergeneral-Major ****

    Obergeneral-Feltmajor |*|

    Stabische Rangen:

    Marschall -={}=-

    Feltmarschall -={[]}=-

    Obermarschall -={[/]}=-

    Oberfeltmarschall -={[//]}=-

    Oberfeltmarschall-Leutnant -={[///]}=-

    Oberfeltmarschall-Kapitein-Heerkommandant, 2nd Class -={[•]}=-

    Oberfeltmarschall-Kapitein-Heerkommandant, 1st Class -={[•/]}=-

    Oberfeltmarschall-Feltoberst-Oberheerkommandant, 2nd Class -={[•//]}=-

    Oberfeltmarschall-Feltoberst-Oberheerkommandant, 1st Class -={[•///]}=-

    Oberstfeltmarschall-Feltkommandant-Oberstheerkommandant -={[••]}=-

    Last Activity: April 18, 2023 06:06 PM

    8 member(s)
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  • The anti tinfoil hat coalition

    Be it people who constantly whine over WTC 7, people who blame everything on a "zionist jewish conspiracy", people who blame everything on that omnious thing that they simply refer to as "the West", people who blame some "freemason conspiracy" or the utterly grotesk notion some have of a global "lizzard people" and "illuminati" conspiracy. It doesnt matter. These people are annoying and a direct assault on the concept of reason!

    In recent years and with the spread of the internet, these ideas however seem to have found many happy advocats all over the world.

    From the outright repulsive Alex Jones and his ridicilously theatric screaching parades, almoust the entire muslim world being united in antisemetic conspiracy theories, South American leftists even blaming earthquakes on the US, the extreme American right that propergates some weird conspiracy ran by dead civil rights activists or the Russians under Putin and their belief that everything is a big NATO conspiracy.

    I want this group to be open for people of all political fields, who share the same disregard for conspiracy nutters!

    Last Activity: July 21, 2014 02:37 AM

    2 member(s)
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  • Anti-Fascists of TWC

    Like our name, this group is all about finding and getting rid of Fascism in any of it's forms, particularly neo-Nazism.

    Last Activity: November 21, 2023 02:25 PM

    67 member(s)
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  • Levellers of TWC

    For all those that believe in the 'freeborn rights' of human beings and wish to celebrate and continue the legacy of those early champions of democratic communism. Let us honour the memory of Lilburne, Overton and Walwyn whilst we spit upon the names of all monarchs and tyrants such as that arch-traitor Oliver Cromwell.

    Last Activity: December 16, 2012 11:11 AM

    1 member(s)
    This group doesn't have any discussions yet.
  • The Anti-Military Cuts Group.

    Quite simple really, it is for people who are against all sorts of useless military cuts.

    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:24 PM

    53 member(s)

    Accept the Armenian Genocide of 1915 where 1.5 million were killed in the deserts of Der Zor,Syria.

    The Missing Chapter in Turkish History

    Last Activity: April 18, 2023 06:07 PM

    341 member(s)
  • Union Busters

    The European Union is a dishonest organization.

    The United Nations is a dishonest organization.

    We exist to effectively combat, through rhetoric and civil disobedience, the perfidious influences of international unions. Our enemies are the E.U., the U.N.

    We do not believe that any international agency should have jurisdiction over countries on the whole; the E.U. has no reason to exist, let alone a right to exist. France can declare X number of hours for its workers. Germany can set its own oil and gas standards. We say that globalist societies which aren't accountable to anyone but their own courts have the power to set nothing!

    The U.N. is simply a corrupt and morally bad institution. We don't care how much good it has in its mind to do; it always ends up doing evil, despite its "good intentions".

    Our pledge is that every nation should have the freedom to rule itself, free from the meddling of pointless international nannies.

    We are against Unions, and we are the Union Busters. Schedule and take effective action against them. Plan our global strategies here. Arrange meetings. This protest must be made manifest, for we are human beings, and not mice.

    We are proud nationalists and lovers of truth, clarity, and sound government, wherever we may be.

    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:20 PM

    28 member(s)
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  • George W. Bush

    President George W. Bush's Forum Usergroup.

    Note: I'm not always on Total War Center, why just recently, I took a good 'ol long break from it.

    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:30 PM

    6 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    George W. Bush: General
  • Russia is not evil

    For people who do not think that Russia is a particularly agressive and/or evil country.

    Last Activity: May 20, 2021 07:16 AM

    188 member(s)

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  • Pinky Ears Inc.

    DCI workshop of ferrits, ninja-marsupials & friends

    Category: Games
    Last Activity: Yesterday 11:07 AM

    This is a private group.
  • A Europe of Nations

    A Group for true European nationalists, traditionalists, New Right, Third Positionists, etc. White Nationalists, Neo-Nutzis and others of the lunatic fringe need not bother themselves.

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:33 PM

    70 member(s)
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    A Europe of Nations
  • Age of Empires II

    Widely considered one of the greatest games in history, AOE 2 is often the reason that most of us are fans of the total war series today. This is where fans can discuss strategy or just talk about how awesome the game is.

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:32 PM

    82 member(s)
  • Anti-EU federation.

    For we do not want to be German vassals.

    For all people who do NOT want a USE, or lose further sovereignty to the EU.

    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:32 PM

    This is a private group.
  • Apostates and Heretics of the Church of Climate Change

    We are assembled in this place to voice our opposition to the idea that anthropogenic forces are inordinately contributing to unnatural climate change on Earth. Men of science, religion, common sense, and simple realists must come together to oppose this ridiculous hoax. We recognize that the majority of theories regarding "Man-Made Global Warming", or "Anthropogenic Climate Change", are complete bunk.

    We reject invented political platforms disguised as science. We are apostates from the Church of Consensus. There is no consensus to be had in scientific research; there are no deniers, but truth-seekers. Whatever the outcome may be, we are dedicated to fact, and not to fear.

    Category: Science
    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:32 PM

    28 member(s)
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    Climate Change beliefs.
  • Black Sails

    Creation of a TWC CRPG set in the East Indies.

    Category: Games
    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:31 PM

    This is a private group.
  • Chess Players & Chess Fans

    Despite being the most rational game in the world where luck does not play a role at all, chess is as much a mystery as women. That's why we love it.

    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:31 PM

    103 member(s)
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    Chess Players & Chess Fans
  • Capitalist Pigs Group

    Those who admire liberty and Capitalism are invited.

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:31 PM

    97 member(s)
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    Capitalist Pigs Group
  • Byzantine is Roman

    For all who believe it is time for modern scholarship to shed the foreign, archaic, culturally degrading, completely ahistorical term "Byzantine" as the de facto label of the East Roman Empire from the mind and future school books. For the sake of not only the truth but for the sincere desire in understanding our past.

    Members pledge to refrain from the use and application of the word "Byzantine" or "Byzantium" in association with the Medieval Greco-Roman Empire or its capital city properly known as Constantinople the 'Roma Nova'

    Together we shall start a movement, a call for change by promoting the correct usage of 'Roman' and 'Greco-Roman' as it applies to the 'Eastern Orientation' of late antiquity and the middle ages.

    Category: History
    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:31 PM

    520 member(s)
  • CK2 Subforum Development Team

    No Description

    Category: Games
    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:30 PM

    7 member(s)