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Italic Peoples
I saw groups of fanboys boasting about Rome,Greece,Egypt,Byzantium,the Caliphate and a crapload of other empires,but,apparently,no group seemed to be about the Italic,Oscan-speaking people and,in particular,about the Samnites,who so much teached to Rome.
Since there was no group,I created one.I honestly think they deserve it.Category: HistoryLast Activity: April 06, 2013 03:16 AM
5 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Where Can I get information about Pre-Roman Italy. -
Kipchaks-Cumans History Group
Kipchaks-Cumans History Group
TURANIAN FAMILLIES...Category: HistoryLast Activity: September 17, 2012 06:02 AM
3 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Kipchaks-Cumans - MUSIC, SONG'S - -
Minor country's respect
This is a place for all who like the often forgotten countries that played huge roles in there respective war
Category: HistoryLast Activity: May 02, 2020 04:59 AM
19 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Member recommendations -
TW: Historical Research Society
The society is committed to advancing historical accuracy through the collection of resources (both print and online) by providing a repository in the hopes of creating a more authentic gaming experience.
[1] To collect and share important resources both on the internet and in written books available both on and off line.
[2] To allow historians and history enthusiast to communicate to share ideas and build friendships
[3] To foster a greater love for history by aiding in the spread of historical accuracy and review.
[4] to build a bridge between modders and historians to create better more accurate mods.
-This group is open to all members TWC.
-There are no restrictions to membership; professional historians, researchers, amateurs and students are all welcome.Category: HistoryLast Activity: May 20, 2019 06:19 AM
34 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Archivum: A new Location & Name for the Historical Repository -
The Mongol Empire
North Asia, V cen. B.C.- IV cen. A.D. Scythian tribes moved to the Siberia and further in East Asia.
Among all the other nations, they were the first masters of the bow, but this wasn't their only difference.
They carried with them it spirit, stepp skills, organisation and even agriculture knowledge.
Going east, they left their former lands to others, and, settling at new locations, transferred their experience to new people of "Hunnu".
Later, both folks, often and seriously influenced the formation of Chinese culture and statehood.
East Asia, VII cen. A.D. From north Hunn tribal territories come a man by name "Li Yuang". It was predefined him to creat new single Chinese Empire with combined Altaic stepp army traditions
and great Chinese culture and administration. In fact, many were interested in that. An empire of "Тan" was born after he took the power in country, but after rule for 300 years, for many reasons,
theYuang's lost a right on a throne. Began a troubled time for Mongols and Chinesians. Parts of same former Empire choosed a way to reunited their sometime territories.
East Asia, XIII cen. A.D. North post.Tan and nomad China, experiencing the stages of transformation and consolidation,was ready to conquer the south.
The "Jin" army wasn't stong enouth for serious war with South "Song", and then, they decided to connect the disparate forces of the steppe tribes.
The entire subsequent history of the conquest of China by Genghis Khan, associated with a clear plan of "Jin" to create strong and united Altaic-Chinese state
and to establish total control over the western trade routes. In particular, China has used the invasion of the Mongols for their own building and technology development.
This gave the opportunity to defeat the "Song", for a growing future and great "Eurasian Yuang".
Conclusion: China can't be an Empire without Altaic traditions. Today, these traditions have been preserved only in one country.
Scythians didn't disappear, they watch and wait for a new beginning.
(Optional) Some mystics for Europeans:
The people of Asia wished to be united, but for that they needed an army. And they found to whom hand their will. Scythians did it choice.
They were nomad's tribes that wanted to begin world's association with all interested, to creat one single, equal network with banner of freedom and tolerance.
Their philosophy was clever and strong, but It was been not simply.
However it was an altruistic society, who belived in worlds mentality performance and him traditions. It was a society of equality and public order, a time of honest and noble aims...
there was only complete freedom. The necessity of community was shown in the single bending down to the order in which were not strong ideology, secrets or idols.
They got barns and unity, but they were not so able to perfect the world. They did not realised an aim of social consolidation of life and consciousness.
And then people asked: what are they living for? They leaders desired love of their people, virtue. Mongols did not create a miracle for their.
Confusion overcame nations, and the united empire collapsed. Finally, Mongols "Yuang" dinasty found stability and was fully incorporated. But for a short time.Category: HistoryLast Activity: July 28, 2013 09:55 PM
5 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Some fotos -
Decisive Battles
We are a group dedicated to making a new Decisive Battles series with rome 2
Category: HistoryLast Activity: July 09, 2015 06:20 AM
13 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Rome 2 -
Decisive Battles 2.0
Will change name when we decide on one
Category: HistoryLast Activity: June 02, 2013 07:38 PM
1 member(s)This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
the team for the fan based decisive battles called Death Ground
Category: HistoryLast Activity: July 09, 2015 06:20 AM
12 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Hiatus -
Teutonic Knights
helfen, wehren, heilen
Category: HistoryLast Activity: September 02, 2013 03:10 AM
2 member(s)This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
Greco-Roman Art
For those who admire the Art and many other things of this fantastic period in human history!!
Category: HistoryLast Activity: October 23, 2019 06:49 AM
16 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Greco-Roman Architecture and Art.
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MOS Reunited Kingdom
A group forum to where ideas can be shared freely without having to send hundreds of pms. A forum where errors and fixes can be posted.
Category: GamesLast Activity: Yesterday 04:37 AM
This is a private group. -
Faerűn Total War Development Team
No Description
Category: StaffLast Activity: February 07, 2025 04:20 AM
This is a private group. -
Pinky Ears Inc.
DCI workshop of ferrits, ninja-marsupials & friends
Category: GamesLast Activity: January 30, 2025 12:15 AM
This is a private group. -
Croatian TWC members
Group for all Croat members of TWC
Category: Nationality / Foreign LanguagesLast Activity: January 13, 2025 08:29 AM
This is a private group. -
Anti-communists of TWC
People who are opposed to Communism in any shape or form. We are dedicated to the destruction of Marxist doctrine as an overriding thought process. We reject the material conception of history and society that Marxism presents. This group is meant to be a platform for scholarly discussion and not mindless opposition. We hope to foster a serious discussion of ideological manners. We hold ourselves to a higher standard than other groups, so be prepared to defend any assertions that you make. Spam will not be tolerated.
Edit by Dan the Man: No discrimination based on race, religion, age, gender, etc will be tolerated! Follow the ToS!Category: Politics / CausesLast Activity: September 22, 2024 10:39 AM
233 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Literature for the Anti-Communist -
Anti-NATO agression group
For all people who think that NATO is not a legitimate organisation, with good intention.
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: June 25, 2024 12:44 AM
57 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Anti-NATO agression group -
Palestinian Independance
Shalom, Salam and Peace!
All people who support a free and democratic independent Palestinian state in the West Bank. NOT an anti-Israeli or anti-Jewish group but a pro independence one. Lets discuss PEACE. Lets discuss the good things about Palestine (not ever mentioned) as well as the benefits of both these states living together.Category: Politics / CausesLast Activity: June 25, 2024 12:43 AM
This is a private group. -
Russia is not evil
For people who do not think that Russia is a particularly agressive and/or evil country.
Category: Politics / CausesLast Activity: June 25, 2024 12:43 AM
189 member(s)Latest Discussion:
So, why is not!? -Moldova and Transnistria topic- -
Kosovo is Serbia
For all people who think that Kosovo is part of Serbia ie for all sane and normal people out there
Category: Politics / CausesLast Activity: June 25, 2024 12:42 AM
225 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Kosovo is Serbia -
A Europe of Nations
A Group for true European nationalists, traditionalists, New Right, Third Positionists, etc. White Nationalists, Neo-Nutzis and others of the lunatic fringe need not bother themselves.
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: June 18, 2024 09:33 PM
70 member(s)Latest Discussion:
A Europe of Nations