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Veterans of 2010
The finest vintage for any meber ever. The group of 2010 are renowned as the best veterans of TWC and the most productive and good group hex have ever seen.
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: February 25, 2020 02:56 AM
24 member(s)Latest Discussion:
HA -
The Khurch of Kong
Welcome brothers, followers of the Almighty, the King of all Kongs!
Join this group to show the heretics and infidels that we are not alone, but do not abandon the Most Holy thread, The Worship of Kong.Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: January 06, 2015 07:07 PM
18 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Brothers of the Khurch -
Forodwaith Project Group
The name sais it all:)
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: January 26, 2013 08:55 AM
6 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Concerning Units -
Age of the Blight - Throne Room
The Throne room where we all chill out. xD
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: September 27, 2012 01:42 AM
2 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Battle rules -
Cahoma's secret scheming group.
Cahoma's group for plotting and other secret stuff. This is very secret group only for secret people who like plotting and making secrets. Here I make my plans for stuff that is TOTALLY NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. Only for me and other secret people with secret plots of secretness. Schemes too.
Did I mention that it's very secret? Because it's very secret.Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: February 05, 2014 04:34 AM
16 member(s)Latest Discussion:
The conspiring pigs! -
Cat lovers of TWC
Everyone welcome!
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: March 31, 2021 07:28 PM
15 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Cats and Me -
Ciloron's Mansion
An elf needs a decent shelter. A room to write in peace and show it to some friends before releasing. Feel free to stay and write if y'are in the mood.
Because of the growing amount of residents we needed to expand, the mansion is bigger now. :)Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: March 04, 2014 06:54 PM
10 member(s)This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
Total War: SHOGUN 2 – Fall of the Samurai
Total War: SHOGUN 2 – Fall of the Samurai Fans and Haters group.
Love it or Hate it, join here and enjoy your freedom to speak freely and express opinions about CA's FotS.
We have a Fan thread, and a Haters thread too :)Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: March 22, 2015 05:35 PM
23 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Fans Thread -
Dudes who wear glasses UNITE!
To the kewlest dudes who wear glasses because they can't see well/look cool/They damn want to! can join.
All who wear glasses are welcomed! Even.....Hipsters*Shrug*
NO "GIRLS" ALLOW!(Since they don't exist in the interwebz, silly)Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: June 28, 2013 09:58 PM
9 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Show off your specs! -
Citizens for Curial Reformation
For citizens who wish to make the Curia something of use to the site.
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: October 15, 2012 10:07 PM
2 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Elected Moderators
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Faerûn Total War Development Team
No Description
Category: StaffLast Activity: Yesterday 03:15 PM
This is a private group. -
MOS Reunited Kingdom
A group forum to where ideas can be shared freely without having to send hundreds of pms. A forum where errors and fixes can be posted.
Category: GamesLast Activity: February 08, 2025 04:37 AM
This is a private group. -
Pinky Ears Inc.
DCI workshop of ferrits, ninja-marsupials & friends
Category: GamesLast Activity: January 30, 2025 12:15 AM
This is a private group. -
Croatian TWC members
Group for all Croat members of TWC
Category: Nationality / Foreign LanguagesLast Activity: January 13, 2025 08:29 AM
This is a private group. -
Anti-communists of TWC
People who are opposed to Communism in any shape or form. We are dedicated to the destruction of Marxist doctrine as an overriding thought process. We reject the material conception of history and society that Marxism presents. This group is meant to be a platform for scholarly discussion and not mindless opposition. We hope to foster a serious discussion of ideological manners. We hold ourselves to a higher standard than other groups, so be prepared to defend any assertions that you make. Spam will not be tolerated.
Edit by Dan the Man: No discrimination based on race, religion, age, gender, etc will be tolerated! Follow the ToS!Category: Politics / CausesLast Activity: September 22, 2024 10:39 AM
233 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Literature for the Anti-Communist -
Anti-NATO agression group
For all people who think that NATO is not a legitimate organisation, with good intention.
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: June 25, 2024 12:44 AM
57 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Anti-NATO agression group -
Palestinian Independance
Shalom, Salam and Peace!
All people who support a free and democratic independent Palestinian state in the West Bank. NOT an anti-Israeli or anti-Jewish group but a pro independence one. Lets discuss PEACE. Lets discuss the good things about Palestine (not ever mentioned) as well as the benefits of both these states living together.Category: Politics / CausesLast Activity: June 25, 2024 12:43 AM
This is a private group. -
Russia is not evil
For people who do not think that Russia is a particularly agressive and/or evil country.
Category: Politics / CausesLast Activity: June 25, 2024 12:43 AM
189 member(s)Latest Discussion:
So, why is not!? -Moldova and Transnistria topic- -
Kosovo is Serbia
For all people who think that Kosovo is part of Serbia ie for all sane and normal people out there
Category: Politics / CausesLast Activity: June 25, 2024 12:42 AM
225 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Kosovo is Serbia -
A Europe of Nations
A Group for true European nationalists, traditionalists, New Right, Third Positionists, etc. White Nationalists, Neo-Nutzis and others of the lunatic fringe need not bother themselves.
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: June 18, 2024 09:33 PM
70 member(s)Latest Discussion:
A Europe of Nations