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  • Red. vs Blue.

    Discussion of the most popular machinama in the world. Red vs Blue.

    Category: Arts
    Last Activity: July 09, 2012 09:30 PM

    5 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    Season Nine.
  • Fans of Rex's Scribblings

    For all fans of Rex Anglorvm's work, hey he may not be a genius, but at least he is entertaining.

    Category: Arts
    Last Activity: July 13, 2018 02:41 PM

    13 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    I'm Back
  • Zanger Rinus fans

    Group for Zanger Rinus fans!

    Category: Arts
    Last Activity: January 29, 2012 09:11 PM

    5 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
  • Wormy

    "From its inception in issue 9, until its end in issue 132, Trampier's Wormy comic was a feature of Dragon Magazine. Each issue of Dragon would have anywhere from one to four pages of Wormy. Wormy featured a title character in the form of a cigar-chomping, pool hustling, wargaming dragon, and a cast of monsters who were his neighbors and friends; the stories were told from the point of view of the antagonists of the Dungeons & Dragons game, and the types of characters that players would be expected to portray, such as wizards and warriors, were presented as unwelcome intruders." ----

    Category: Arts
    Last Activity: February 26, 2014 01:06 PM

    10 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    (Article) The Dragon‘s Dragon
  • The Luthier's Shop

    For the celebration of traditional and/or acoustic music from anywhere in the world. Bluegrass, Folk, Celtic, Cajun, Acadian, Classical, Hindustani, Eastern, and everything in between. Also, insight and discussion from players, singers, enthusiasts and instrumentalists is more than welcome.

    Category: Arts
    Last Activity: May 03, 2013 07:18 AM

    2 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    What do you play/sing?
  • Apostates and Heretics of the Church of Climate Change

    We are assembled in this place to voice our opposition to the idea that anthropogenic forces are inordinately contributing to unnatural climate change on Earth. Men of science, religion, common sense, and simple realists must come together to oppose this ridiculous hoax. We recognize that the majority of theories regarding "Man-Made Global Warming", or "Anthropogenic Climate Change", are complete bunk.

    We reject invented political platforms disguised as science. We are apostates from the Church of Consensus. There is no consensus to be had in scientific research; there are no deniers, but truth-seekers. Whatever the outcome may be, we are dedicated to fact, and not to fear.

    Category: Science
    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:32 PM

    28 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    Climate Change beliefs.
  • Zoroastrians of TWC


    Category: Science
    Last Activity: January 21, 2014 09:02 AM

    7 member(s)
  • Social Scientists of TWC, Unite!!

    Sociologists, Historians, Poli. Scientists, Anthropologists, Media Students, Lawyers or very instrospective individuals on the matters of modern and ancient society are all welcome.

    Category: Science
    Last Activity: December 19, 2021 07:05 PM

    12 member(s)
  • Windows 8 Users

    A group for TWC Windows 8 users (Windows 8.1 compatible)

    Members are invited to share their impressions , tips, tutorials, visual styles, customization resources and everything related to Windows 8.

    Category: Science
    Last Activity: March 17, 2018 06:12 AM

    1 member(s)
    This group doesn't have any discussions yet.
  • Enthusiasts of Science

    *Currently Under Construction -- Time Limitations -- Sorry ;P*

    Science, in a broad sense, is simply an attempt to build and revise a collective knowledge by systematically acquiring and organizing information, either in a testable form or in the form of theoretical predictions about our universe. With this definition, a scientist can be anyone who attempts to acquire knowledge systematically! (Although ideally one would use the accepted "scientific method.")

    If you love the idea of science, I encourage you to join! All science enthusiasts are welcome, from amateurs dabbling in the idea to professionals who have dedicated their lives to it!

    This group is dedicated to the free discussion of scientific thought within but not limited to the realms of formal sciences (mathematics), physical sciences (physics, chemistry, astronomy, and Earth science), life sciences (biology), applied sciences (engineering), social sciences (archaeology, anthropology, law, psychology, sociology, etc.), and anything in between! To a degree, we could even include philosophy, because it is arguably the precursor to the scientific approach we use today!

    Please be civil in your discussions, because a fundamental tenet of science is a willingness to discuss ideas objectively, regardless of preexisting opinions!

    Category: Science
    Last Activity: September 07, 2013 02:22 AM

    1 member(s)

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