
View All Random Groups

  • Free Libya

    Name says it all.

    Last Activity: July 25, 2014 07:39 AM

    13 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    what do we do with gadaffi
  • Supporters Of The Arab Spring

    For those who support the protests which have been sweeping the Middle East in 2011.

    "Ash-sha`b yurīd isqāṭ an-niẓām"

    (Arabic: الشعب يريد إسقاط النظام‎)

    (English: "The people want/demand the fall/downfall of the regime")

    Last Activity: August 07, 2023 08:58 AM

    128 member(s)
  • Gaddafi Fan Group.

    For all of you who think Muammar Gaddafi isn't that bad and should remain the glorious leader of mighty and tremendous Libya and to remain the marvelous Guide of the Revolution against the treacherous bastards who dare to attack noble Gaddafi..

    Last Activity: August 30, 2016 11:56 AM

    21 member(s)
  • Order of the Chivalric Knights

    A place exclusively for Knights, honorable ladies and Gentlemen both of TWC and the Outside World.

    The Tenets

    [1] No Discrimination against Religion, Language, Race, and Sex.

    [2] Polite and Civil Debates and Discussions

    [3] Disciplined and Gentlemanly conduct. No Vulgarity of any kind.

    let it be a knight's Crusade or a Faris's Jihad

    a Brave's Warpath or even a Samurai's Bushido !

    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:27 PM

    41 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    On the Verge of Collapse
  • Law

    "Fiat justitia ruat caelum"(Let justice be done though the heavens fall) A group not only for those who study law but for all who believe that the social purpose of law must be necessarily fulfilled ,for those for whom the rule of law is a value and not the last for those interested in law origins and its history

    Last Activity: October 10, 2022 08:31 AM

    1 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    help !
  • The Seal Cub Clubbing Club

    For people who don't give a :wub: about political correctness.

    Last Activity: May 16, 2018 01:28 AM

    11 member(s)
  • The Radical Exiles' Group

    Are you one of those members who are constantly attacked, harassed and flamed for having unusual political views, such as Nationalism, Opposition to Immigration, Opposition to Race-mixing, Homophobia, Pro-Zionism, Anti-Semitism, Monarchism, Anti-Liberalism and such?

    Pro-Zionist or Anti-Zionist, Jewish or Anti-Semite, this group is for people who are sick of being attacked, flamed and harassed over the forum just for having unusual political views such as Nationalism, Opposition to Immigration, Opposition to Race-mixing, Homophobia, Monarchism or Anti-Liberalism.

    We might have differences, but our goal is common: We demand freedom of speech, and demand to end harassment of people like us.

    NOTE: This group is not about debate between different political views. This group is about FREEDOM OF SPEECH, and that we demand to end the harassment we face from other people simply for out extraordinary political views.

    Last Activity: May 11, 2021 04:39 PM

    16 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    Post your political profile
  • Killuminati

    Group for everyone who oppose N.W.O and other evil illuminati plans. We are the freedom fighters.

    Last Activity: April 17, 2016 10:51 PM

    9 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
  • Syria Group

    Civilised discussions about Syria and the war

    Last Activity: July 22, 2016 11:02 AM

    8 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    Syria 2015
  • Freedom and Justice

    We believe in equality for all people, in fair treatment, in the right to think, speak, and write freely without fear of punishment.

    "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

    This group is not dedicated to or against any nation, religion, culture, or other group of people. As such, posts in this group are expected to be either justified by reliable sources. Any needless nationalist and/or politically charged posts will be either deleted or ignored.

    Last Activity: July 25, 2014 07:31 AM

    8 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    What is freedom, exactly?

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