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  • Democratic Party

    "The Democratic Party is the party that opened its arms. We opened them to every nationality, every creed. We opened them to the immigrants. The Democratic Party is the party of the people.”

    Last Activity: November 01, 2015 07:26 PM

    11 member(s)
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  • Ya, I'm Conservative. What are YOU gonna do about it?

    Ya, I'm Conservative. What are YOU gonna do about it angry little man who spends his entire day bashing freedom, promoting modern liberalism, marxism, Che, Michael Moore, socialism, atheism, environmentalism, defense of terrorists etc...? That's right, you CAN'T, ha!

    Last Activity: October 21, 2020 02:10 AM

    29 member(s)
  • People Who Have Been Here Since 2004 Or Before

    The ancient and venerated members of TWC...

    Last Activity: May 14, 2024 07:48 PM

    62 member(s)
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    Still alive?
  • English Royalist Society

    The time has come for those of English descent to voice their support or opposition to the House of Windsor. Be it in terms of Constitutionalism, in terms of Absolutism, or in terms of Election, we must come together in support of this grand and ancient tradition.

    There are no distinctions of Socialist, Capitalist, Right-Wing, or Left-Wing in this Society, but only the distinction of Pro-Windsor or Anti-Windsor. United in our heritage and its tradition, we believe that English Republicanism is a fraud. Democracy is an issue which may divide us, but every one of us sees stability in Windsor.

    It pains each of us that such a Society need even be thought of, let alone created. This is a dangerous day and age for monarchists, but all draws to a close on the words we say and the actions we do perform. Do not let your conscience go awry, and do not allow yourself to lose interest in England's past, nor its future! The entire Commonwealth and its prosperity is at stake while the House of Windsor remains under siege from without.

    This is a Society for active participation, argument, and debate. Those who join it must be utterly committed to the retention of England's Monarchy.

    Long Live Her Royal and Sovereign Majesty Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, Duchess of Normandy, Paramount Chief of Fiji, and Monarch of the Commonwealth Realms.

    Last Activity: April 05, 2018 11:59 AM

    35 member(s)
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    Destroy the Horrid Republicans!
  • House of De Bodemloze

    Family members only.

    Last Activity: August 03, 2019 08:08 PM

    24 member(s)
  • Serbian Royalist Society

    We are those who support the Karađorđevići in their Holy Orthodox claim to the throne of Serbia.

    Whether you are revolutionary, left, center, right, or reactionary, you are welcome here. All men of faith in God and Србија may enter into our ranks. Be you from England, Canada, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Russia, Brazil, or Serbia, you may be part of our Order!

    All who support His Royal Majesty Crown Prince Alexander II in his House's claim to the throne of Srbija are welcome. Long Live Serbia and His Majesty!

    Last Activity: August 20, 2012 06:18 AM

    25 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    Sta igrate
  • Kashmir Is Pakistan

    For those who think that Kashmir is Pakistan's right according to religion based rule of partition.

    Last Activity: May 24, 2020 03:40 AM

    54 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    Kashmiris: The Sold Nation
  • India is India!

    For people who think that there should be a unified Indian nation for all religions, rather than the country being divided between Hindus and Muslims.

    Last Activity: September 03, 2014 04:32 AM

    13 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    Peace in India
  • Prussia is German!

    Anybody who thinks Prussia belongs to Germany and not to Poland and Rusland, join this group!

    Last Activity: May 11, 2020 03:50 PM

    35 member(s)
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    Russians etc
  • Conservatives

    This is a lobby for those who are not ashamed to use the moniker "Conservative" in reference to themselves. We believe that your status as a social conservative, religious conservative, or fiscal conservative does not matter, so long as you couch it in pride. A fashion by which you express your conservatism is no less valid simply because it is uncommon. Whether conservative in dress, speech, politics, or religion, this is a place for you. Be it reactionary, far-right, center-right, monarchist, or republican, this is a place for your belief system. Use it for your own debate and betterment.

    Any man who can proudly call himself "conservative" requires no qualifier but his own merit.

    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:30 PM

    69 member(s)
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