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  • Anti-Fascists of TWC

    Like our name, this group is all about finding and getting rid of Fascism in any of it's forms, particularly neo-Nazism.

    Last Activity: November 21, 2023 02:25 PM

    67 member(s)
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  • Levellers of TWC

    For all those that believe in the 'freeborn rights' of human beings and wish to celebrate and continue the legacy of those early champions of democratic communism. Let us honour the memory of Lilburne, Overton and Walwyn whilst we spit upon the names of all monarchs and tyrants such as that arch-traitor Oliver Cromwell.

    Last Activity: December 16, 2012 11:11 AM

    1 member(s)
    This group doesn't have any discussions yet.
  • The Anti-Military Cuts Group.

    Quite simple really, it is for people who are against all sorts of useless military cuts.

    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:24 PM

    53 member(s)

    Accept the Armenian Genocide of 1915 where 1.5 million were killed in the deserts of Der Zor,Syria.

    The Missing Chapter in Turkish History

    Last Activity: April 18, 2023 06:07 PM

    341 member(s)
  • Union Busters

    The European Union is a dishonest organization.

    The United Nations is a dishonest organization.

    We exist to effectively combat, through rhetoric and civil disobedience, the perfidious influences of international unions. Our enemies are the E.U., the U.N.

    We do not believe that any international agency should have jurisdiction over countries on the whole; the E.U. has no reason to exist, let alone a right to exist. France can declare X number of hours for its workers. Germany can set its own oil and gas standards. We say that globalist societies which aren't accountable to anyone but their own courts have the power to set nothing!

    The U.N. is simply a corrupt and morally bad institution. We don't care how much good it has in its mind to do; it always ends up doing evil, despite its "good intentions".

    Our pledge is that every nation should have the freedom to rule itself, free from the meddling of pointless international nannies.

    We are against Unions, and we are the Union Busters. Schedule and take effective action against them. Plan our global strategies here. Arrange meetings. This protest must be made manifest, for we are human beings, and not mice.

    We are proud nationalists and lovers of truth, clarity, and sound government, wherever we may be.

    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:20 PM

    28 member(s)
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  • George W. Bush

    President George W. Bush's Forum Usergroup.

    Note: I'm not always on Total War Center, why just recently, I took a good 'ol long break from it.

    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:30 PM

    6 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    George W. Bush: General
  • Russia is not evil

    For people who do not think that Russia is a particularly agressive and/or evil country.

    Last Activity: June 24, 2024 11:43 PM

    189 member(s)
  • Anti-Russian Aggression Group

    For those who are opposed to Russia's foreign policy

    Last Activity: May 04, 2018 07:01 PM

    88 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    Anti-Russian Aggression Group
  • Apolitical Association

    For all of those who take or would like to take an unbiased position in regard to political matters and rather remain cynic observers than overzealous party warriors and narrow-minded ideologists who take the whole political drama to teh internetz.

    Who think that political methods are ultimately counter-productive and in order to achieve a free society we need to think and act freely and irrespectively of what politicians tell us.

    Last Activity: March 31, 2021 05:16 PM

    11 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    I don't matter...
  • Pro-Kashmiri Plebiscite Group

    For those who are against unlawful, inhuman, cruel Indian occupation of Kashmir and want Kashmiris to be given their right of plebiscite according to U.N. resolutions.

    Last Activity: May 24, 2020 03:45 AM

    23 member(s)

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