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  • The Second American Revolution

    Gather all ye American patriots, Sons of Liberty! Heed the call to take back our hallowed nation from the Hatriots and Traitors which so plague our land! The foe which is not seen nor acknowledged cannot be defeated, and it is our duty to fan the flames of the Great Awakening! Our sacred duty beckons us to the ramparts! The Founding Fathers cry out from the grave! Will you heed their heartfelt call?

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:20 PM

    19 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    The Second American Revolution
  • A Proper Empire: Terra Incognita

    A Proper Empire balances combat, morale, and battlefield effects. Pricing changes in units, buildings, and research costs will challenge you but new units, new technologies, and additional benefits from many other changes to Empire will be available.

    Terra Incognita adds a strategy-focused mod for A Proper Empire. Enjoy exciting new features like Manpower and Supply, a completely rebalanced economy and, most importantly, an exhilarating new gameplay feeling. The aim of Terra Incognita is to present the player with ways to employ diverse strategies and present him with interesting decision that offer meaningful choices.

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: May 29, 2014 10:19 PM

    18 member(s)
  • The Bonkuras

    Since their founding in Tokyo in 2002 by Takino Tomo, Kasuga Ayumu and Kagura, the Bonkuras/Bonklers/Knuckleheads/Numbnuts have expanded to become one of the largest international fraternities of underachievers in existence.

    Now, a chapter is being opened at TWC.

    And it contains enough epicness to slay many an armed warrior.

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: August 27, 2012 12:17 AM

    22 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    The Bonkuras
  • 90's kids

    For those of us who grew up during the 90's and late 80's, the best era to be a kid!

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: December 10, 2021 04:36 PM

    122 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    90's kids
  • Rep Crusaders

    This is a group for people who rep. Not only do we rep but we rep to aknowledge outstanding work, great work.

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: August 15, 2012 06:30 AM

    14 member(s)
    This group doesn't have any discussions yet.
  • Supporters of historical accuracy and realism in TW games.

    To everyone that wants these aspects to be noticed in TW games and possible TW mods.

    Done in a manner that enhances the immersion, gameplay and balance of the games.

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: January 31, 2020 12:52 PM

    216 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    About Rome 2 history accuracy
  • The Pirates

    Them Pirates are here, yarr! To rob your riches, pillage your cities, yarr! We want your women too, yarr!

    The role of Pirate Captain is open! With the demise of the first captain and the unexpected leaving of the second, the third captain could be you!

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:20 PM

    21 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    The Pirates
  • The Knights Templar

    This is the order of the knights templar. An Order dedicated to defending the innocent, preserving god's church and crusading against the infidel.

    Current Ranking system:

    1.) Grand Master (Templar Crusader) - Leads over the order and can preform any of the functions of other members. Stays in power until the Grand Master resigns or shows a great lack of activity. After which a new one is elected by the senior members of the order.

    2.) Seneschal (PubliusKhann) - Acts as the Grand Master's second in command and advises him. Generally has the same functions as the Grand Master. Chosen or removed by the Grand Master.

    3.) Marshal (Templar Hospitaller) - acts as the general leader of the crusades. Directs the crusades, watches over and promotes lesser members. Chosen by Grandmaster and Seneschal.

    4.) Under Marshal (The Unknown Knight) - Assists the Marshal with his duties, has authority over lower members. Keeps track of other member's ranks. Chosen by Marshal.

    5.) Standard Bearer (Godfrey I of Leuven, Swagger)- Responsible for recruiting more members and advertising the order.

    6.) Draper (TBD) - In charge of creating custom pictures for the group. Must be skilled in that area and approved by the Grand Master.

    7.) Commanders (TBD) - Polices the order's threads. There can be more than one (Each commander assigned to a thread).

    8.) Knights - The basic rank the order. Responsible for participating in the crusades once they are called. Can Petition higher members if they wish to increase their rank.

    9.) Sergeants - The rank that all new members start in. Can be promoted to knight by giving a donation to the order (rep or donation to the archives), this is supposed to represent the donations members had to give upon joining the order as knights.

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: June 18, 2024 08:22 PM

    51 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    help !
  • TWC Gardeners

    For all of the members of TWC with a green thumb.

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: August 30, 2012 07:48 PM

    12 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    Sky Pencil (Japense Holie
  • TWC Paleontology enthusiasts

    For all TWC'rs who share a love of Paleontology. Discuss any Paleontological topics

    Category: Uncategorized
    Last Activity: March 16, 2014 11:13 AM

    38 member(s)
    Latest Discussion:
    TWC Paleontology enthusiasts

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