[M7R1] RedStar vs Saleska (Saves Thread)

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  1. saleska2
    So yesterday I started on something new which will cost me a whole lot of time so ill likely drop out of a few HotSeats. Since I just threw this HS from 80% win chance to like 40% because I didnt take enough time for my turn and it will take a long time anyway and likely hold up others ill concede here, I wish you the best of luck in the next round!
  2. Potatoto
    "Since I just threw this HS from 80% win chance to like 40% because I didnt take enough time for my turn"
  3. saleska2
    I'd probably put it somewhere near 50% since ill have a superior navy but 80 to 40 sounds better . Ill be dropping multiple HotSeats but this one is the easiest without disturbing anyone else or slowing down anything.
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