What I think the empire should be called

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  1. Pharoah
    Didn't they also call them selfs Basileia ton Rhomaion?
  2. Armatus
    Yes mid 7th century onward with emperor Heraclius who was an Armenian hence the "Basileia" for king-dom?
  3. Stario
    Imperium Romanum
  4. Pharoah
    Arche Romanium
  5. matmohair1
    Keeping it simple is better - "The Roman Empire"
  6. Magister Militum Flavius Aetius
    Magister Militum Flavius Aetius
    They called themselves the Imperium Romanum - particularly the Romanoi for their people.
  7. Caesar15
    Well they called themselves Romans, in english that is. Not byzantines, nobody even refered them as the byzantines, they just calles them the romans. A turkish army engages an army of Rome. Not ana rmy of byzantium. A fleet of romans attacks a fleet of turks.
  8. Magister Militum Flavius Aetius
    Magister Militum Flavius Aetius
    Basileia toh Romaioi was the technical name for the Empire. I personally think Eastern Roman Empire should do fine though.
  9. Armatus
  10. matmohair1
    There is no need to call them eastern as that title only worked when the empire was split in two
    - the Western Roman empire has already fallen
    - the Holy Roman empire doesn't count
    After the fall of the west, there was no other legitimate rival for that claim apart from them
    so basically the do retain the original Roman empire title
  11. TesalionLortus
    Yeah, I think we should call them as they called themselves, romans (and it's even better to called them in that way because they had right about it and they truly were those rightful heirs)

    Apart from this- I think everyone could call them in his favourite way BUT in schools etc should be a strong tradition to call them (in the times of both empires) East Roman Empire and after fall of the West- Roman Empire (with many possible other names, also Byzantines) BUT with great explanation in this matter that there was no such term like Byzantium in reality. Coz for example in all my previous schools they were always called Byzantines people and no one ever explained that there was no such term for people living in that time... And THAT IS REALY NOT RIGHT
  12. TesalionLortus
    Yeah, I think we should call them as they called themselves, romans (and it's even better to called them in that way because they had right about it and they truly were those rightful heirs)

    Apart from this- I think everyone could call them in his favourite way BUT in schools etc should be a strong tradition to call them (in the times of both empires) East Roman Empire and after fall of the West- Roman Empire (with many possible other names, also Byzantines) BUT with great explanation in this matter that there was no such term like Byzantium in reality. Coz for example in all my previous schools they were always called Byzantines people and no one ever explained that there was no such term for people living in that time... And THAT IS REALY NOT RIGHT
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