
  1. Enemy of the State
    Enemy of the State
    Greetings, fellow libertarians. We might not agree on everything, but what unites us is a contempt for authority and a desire to free man from the shackles that bind him. Although personally I'm an anarcho-capitalist, I'll ally with a socialist anarchist any day over a conservative.
  2. Kizzang
    Yes indeed! I am not completely comfortable with any further defining Anarchist as far as myself goes at this point. Still working on it.
  3. vizi
    Hail! Anyone here ever read 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress'? Dedicated to the libertarian and rational anarchist in all of us!
  4. eregost
    Anarchists rule! Power to the people!
  5. Enemy of the State
    Enemy of the State
    "Alongside Night" is another great Anarchist piece of fiction.
  6. Kizzang
    What's good with some non-fiction? Any recommendations??
  7. Enemy of the State
    Enemy of the State
    "For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto" by Murray N. Rothbard would be my recommendation. Check out Pierre Joseph Proudhon's work too, he is the father of anarchism after all.
  8. Kizzang
    Thank youuuu sir.
  9. GaMMwl
    M.Bakunin, P.Kropotkin, E.Malatesta and M.Bookchin. They all represent the collectivistic shape of anarchism wich to some extent(!) is my personal ideology.
  10. Claudius Gothicus
    Claudius Gothicus
    Finally something for us the anarchists.

    I would like to point out that the final stages of Anarco-Collectivism and Anarco-Capitalism are the same basically.

    I'd also like to congratulate Bakunin for standing up to that stupid Karl Marx
  11. Enemy of the State
    Enemy of the State

    Excellent argumentation to use when debating with statists about taxes. Also:
    Guy A: "Hey buddy, isn't that your car over there?"
    Guy B: "Yeah. So?"
    Guy A: "So someone's breaking into it! Look!"
    Guy B: "Well, that's the price I pay to live in a civilized country."
    Guy A: "Huh? Now he's hot-wiring it. You just gonna stand there?"
    Guy B: "I'm willing to contribute to this great society we live in."
    Guy A: "What are you talking about? You're being robbed!"
    Guy B: "Don't be silly. It's not robbery. It's the will of the people."
    Guy A: "What people? Aren't you the one who paid for the car?"
    Guy B: "Yeah, but the guy who's taking it is serving the common good."
    Guy A: "How does that guy stealing your car help the common good?"
    Guy B: "Well, I trust he'll do useful things with my car."
    Guy A: "Weren't you going to do useful things with it?"
    Guy B: "Yes, but if we each just used our own stuff, there would be chaos!"
    Guy A: "Well, you can trade stuff, but that guy just stole your car!!"
    Guy B: "No he didn't. By living on this block I agreed to lose my car."
    Guy A: "So anyone can swipe your car, and you don't mind?"
    Guy B: "Don't be silly! Only the local carjacker can do it."
    Guy A: "So whoever decides to be a carjacker is allowed to rob you?"
    Guy B: "Well, if I don't like it, I can try to appoint a new local carjacker."
    Guy A: "What would be the point of that? The new guy would still steal your car!"
    Guy B: "Yes, but he would be representing me while stealing my car."
    Guy A: "What does that mean?! How does a thief represent you?"
    Guy B: "Because I can ask him to do good things with my car."
    Guy A: "And will he listen to you, and do what you want?"
    Guy B: "Well, so far they never have. But I keep trying."
    Guy A: "Why would you even try?"
    Guy B: "You have to participate. Otherwise you can't complain."
    Guy A: "Yes I can! I'm not the one claiming that I should be robbed!"
    Guy B: "You have to work within the system."
    Guy A: "What system? The system made up by the carjackers?"
    Guy B: "Of course. It's the civilized thing to do."
    Guy A: "Why not oppose carjacking altogether?"
    Guy B: "Don't be silly. Every town has to have some carjacking."
    Guy A: "So you're just going to keep putting up with being robbed?"
    Guy B: "It's not robbery. The carjackers have my implied consent to do it."
    Guy A: "What? You told them they could take it?"
    Guy B: "No, but by living here, that counts as me giving them permission."
    Guy A: "Who says so?"
    Guy B: "The carjackers. They say being here counts as agreeing to be robbed."
    Guy A: "And you believe them?!"
    Guy B: "Look, if you don't like being robbed, leave my neighborhood!"
    Guy A: "But I'm saying that you shouldn't be robbed!"
    Guy B: "Yes I should, you wacko, fringe kook! Now go away!"
  12. Kizzang
    ^hahaha that is pretty amusing.
  13. Tirus
    Anarcho-Syndicalism ftw...
  14. Kjertesvein
    I'm a pragmatic guy, and think I will survive most systems, but I want to see this one in particulary tried to the recipe.
  15. Gorrrrrn

    old -style libertarian communist style anarchist
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