Kaiserpfalz - The Imperial Palace of the Holy Roman Empire

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  1. General Maximus
    General Maximus


    OFFICIAL NAME - Heilige Römische Reich (Latin - IMPERIVM ROMANVM SACRVM)

    NAME - Holy Roman Empire

    GOVERNMENT TYPE - Imperial Elective Monarchy

    HEAD OF THE STATE - Kaiser Heinrich IV von Hohenstaufen

    REFERENCE TITLE - His Imperial Majesty

    CAPITAL - Frankfurt Am Main

    CURRENCY - Thaler

    OFFICIAL LANGUAGES - Latin, German

    UNOFFICIAL LANGUAGES - Italian, French, Dutch, Frisian, Czech, Slovene, Sorbian, Polish

    RELIGION - Roman Catholic


    SECONDARY CULTURES - Italian, French, Dutch, Czech, Frisian, Sorbian, Polish, Slovene


    COLOUR -
    53, 76, 119


    By the 15th century, the Holy Roman Empire was remaining only in name. Everything was shattered. The Hohenstaufen dynasty had fallen from power by treacherous warlords, and they went on to install a Bohemian dynasty on the throne. That too, turned out to be a weak power, incapable of managing the affairs of the state.

    The final wind came when the Bohemian dynasty was outcasted by the same lords who had installed them. All the Imperial Free Cities, Electors, States and the vassals rebelled. Italian republics violently broke away. Germany was plunged into a total civil war. Austrians and Bohemians started fighting among themselves. The civil government became nearly extinct, and the Emperor was powerless to do anything.

    The peasants, burghers, merchants and the lowly classes were affected too. Most of the population was living in poverty. The diseases were rampant, and famines were common. Population was drastically low. All the law-abiding societies and the perfect government structure that the Hohenstaufens had built 200 years ago, now lay in ruin.

    In the time of chaos, about twenty lords gathered in front of 16 year old Prince-Elector Heinrich VII, the last remaining member of the Hohenstaufen dynasty, who was ruling Frankfurt am Main in a de-facto exile issued by the Bohemians. The lords, disgruntled after seeing the condition in the whole Empire, swore their loyalty to the young Prince-Elector and pledged to fight to death for his cause. They decided that once powerful and prestigious Hohenstaufen dynasty is to be restored. The age of glory in the time of Emperor Barbarossa and the Hohenstaufen Kaisers shall return!

    So, after his coronation as Kaiser Heinrich IV von Hohenstaufen, the Emperor has set out to restore the glorious rule and finish the anarchy in the Empire. The Golden Age that the Hohenstaufens brought for the whole nation, is not far away.
  2. ✠Ikaroqx✠
    Ambassador Narazeveky of the Koravesky Coaltion arrives at Frankfurt Am Mein, after a long and cold journey.
  3. General Maximus
    General Maximus
    Ambassador Narazeveky is approached by a courtier who guides him through the huge city to the gates of the Imperial Palace. He is then checked by the guards for any any weapons, and then politely led into the Imperial Palace. They march through fortifications, corridors and narrow space between ramparts, when they come to a grand stone stairway leading into the palace. They continue to walk through the decorated corridors dotted with many rooms, filled with courtiers, administrators and soldiers, all of whom greet the diplomat.

    They finally reach a room where the great Kaiser was sitting, busy signing important edicts and documents in his personal study. A warm fireplace was situated on his side. Every soldier and courtier accompanying the diplomat bows low before him.

    He then speaks - "Greetings. We are pleased to meet you. We heard you were looking to discuss diplomatic matters with the Empire, nein?"

    He motions a servant, who hurries away to fetch fine wine and food for the diplomat
    , and prepare a room for him to rest.
  4. ✠Ikaroqx✠
    The ambassador thanks the emperor for his hospitality before getting to business.

    'My people's leader, the Lord Defender Strenyr Iroski, has heard of the plight of the Heilige Romische Reich and he wishes to help potential allies in any way. We can offer supplies of timber, salt, amber, tar and fish. In time we will request the Reich return the favour, but for now please accept these supplies to help in the rebuilding of your empire.'
  5. General Maximus
    General Maximus
    The Emperor stares into the fire, thinking deeply. Then, he suddenly emerges from his thoughts and says - "The Empire, when most of it's territory is restored, can trade a vast variety of resources. We have abundant supply of grain in Low Countries, precious metals in Lotharingia, lumber and woodworks in Bavaria, good fruits from Baden, and many more. We have a large number of iron mines in the east, especially in Saxony. In Bohemia and Moravia, we have also discovered a new fuel named Coal. If you find these goods interesting, we are certainly glad to trade with you. We thank you heartily for the help you have offered us."

    The Emperor motions another servant who goes for some time, and then brings a metal plate covered with cloth. He comes near the diplomat, bows and takes off the cloth. The thing he reveals turns out to be a beautiful jewel-embedded dagger. The Emperor then speaks - "As a mark of friendship, we gift this ornately carved Gothic dagger to your leader. Legend says that it was once used by the Kaiser Friedrich II, a great ancestor of the Hohenstaufen dynasty. Please take this dagger on our behalf, as a gift to your leader. Along this, your trade agreement is agreed. If your great leader wishes, we will also consider a full alliance if he agrees with our claims to Pommerania."
  6. ✠Ikaroqx✠
    Ambassador Narazeveky sips his wine in appreciation, then pulls out a scroll tied with purple ribbon and presents it to the emperor.

    'Fortunately the Lord Defender has already thought of a potential border between us. This is his proposal.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    'We request freedom to finish off the Prussians (in red); they have been our enemy for years and it is only right that we are the ones to finally defeat them. Secondly we propose a demilitarised zone between our realms (in yellow). No man of the Reich, nor of the Coalition may claim these lands, which we hope will prevent any possible border disputes. Otherwise we accept your claims to Pommerania; it is German after all.

    'We are also very happy to trade with the Reich once it has regained its territory; our people have developed a fondness of foreign goods lately which we can barely keep up with! Shall we sign a trade pact then?'
  7. General Maximus
    General Maximus
    The Kaiser looks at a map, and wonders in delight. The claims He had made are just corresponding the ones shown by the good diplomat. A court Steward brings a huge map and unfolds it in front of the diplomat:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    The Kaiser then speaks - "Here is the map of the Holy Roman Empire as it was during the time of our ancestors. These are also the only claims we have, since Empire has to stabilize it's border. As you can see, our claims don't cause any conflict with the regions you want."
  8. ✠Ikaroqx✠
    The ambassador smiles and bows to the noble emperor of the Reich.

    'We accept your claims. I know my Lord Defender will be pleased to accept your claims to your former empire, and we thank you for accepting our request for non-interference in East Prussia. So, shall we sign that trade document?
  9. General Maximus
    General Maximus
    "Yes, we shall do so immediately." He smiles and orders a copy of precious parchment on which the standard trade-agreement treaties were already printed. Once it arrives, he duly signs it and then puts the giant Imperial Seal upon it. A servant comes forward, takes and folds it up, and politely bows and hands it over to the ambassador.

    Then the Emperor looks at the window near the ceiling, and speaks in a serious voice - "
    Shall we sign the pact of alliance and become brothers-in-arms too?"
  10. ✠Ikaroqx✠
    "Of course you majesty. We would be delighted to become War-Brothers with the Reich. However please note that we are also War-Brothers with the Crowns of England and Scotland, so if any of you should clash, we cannot guarantee our friendship will last forever. But I must apologize for this negative speak, your majesty; we are honoured to have a noble ally by our side."

    Ambassador Narazeveky accepts the document from the servant, and places the seal of the Koravesky Coalition upon it, a wolf's head surrounded by ornate patterns.
  11. General Maximus
    General Maximus
    The Kaiser is most pleased with the answer. Another parchment is brought and signed by the Kaiser, and the giant Imperial Seal which bears the symbol of the Reichsadler (Imperial Eagle), is put down at the end of the document. Two copies of this document are sealed. One of them is then handed over to the ambassador by the courtier, while a knight takes the second copy and rides off to the Imperial Records House.

    Kaiser, with a majestic smile, speaks - "
    The people of the Holy Roman Empire to be called brothers of war with the good people of Koravesky Coalition. Once the northern Electors and Princes are subdued, we shall help you out in your conquests."
  12. pacifism
    After a not-so-long and not-so-cold journey, a foreign dignitary has arrived at the steps of the Imperial palace, and he seeks immediate audience with His Imperial Majesty.

    The small, narrow man refers to himself as Chancellor Copernum. With such a rare occurance of the arrival of an important visitor as influential as Copernum it is to be expected that he brings a very urgent message.
  13. General Maximus
    General Maximus
    The captains check the visitor for any weapons, and then allow him to enter the Imperial Palace. He is greeted by a courtier who politely asks Chancellor Copernum to accompany him to the Imperial Throne Room. They march through a series of corridors and rooms, greeted by many courtiers, officials and servants who all bow to him before continuing with their work. They come to a halt in front of a great Gothic door, delicately carved and embedded with gold. It is opened by two guards and a steward announces the entry of the Chancellor.

    Inside is a fabulous and well-lit room, with marble floors laden with rich carpets, walls with finest painting masterpieces and windows with rare velvet curtains. There are thirty wooden chairs laden along the way on each side, facing the central carpet that emerges from the door. In the end is a stone platform that holds the throne, and on the Golden Throne sits His Imperial Majesty, towering like a majestic Eagle and looking beautiful in his Imperial Regalia. On the wall behind him, hangs the Imperial Eagle of the Holy Roman Empire, and the shields and coat of arms of the Hohenzollern dynasty.

    Everyone stands up and bows the Kaiser, and then to Chancellor who came to visit the court. The Emperor then speaks in a powerful, imperative voice - "
    We are pleased to see you. Our stewards notified us that you are here to discuss something urgent. You have Our attention, what is it that you wish to propose?"
  14. pacifism
    The Chancellor began in an important tone revealing that he is no amateur at spectacular palaces, mighty emperors, or politics in general:

    “My lieges, the Grand Dukes Phillip and Dolan, have informed me that both the Restored House of Valois and the Holy Roman Empire have staked claims on the same lands. Thusly, they ordered me to intervene a potential conflict by a proposal. Unfortunately, I haven't been provided with a suitable map that survived the journey here, so I shall orientate you in an oral manner.

    "The original House of Valois had; regions east of the Imperial claims Flanders, the southern Netherlands, and means to tranverse the entire way north. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ka...rgund_4_EN.png ] The Restored House claims these lands,which is also part your own claims. As we both know, two powers seeking dominion over the same lands doesn't end well, and my lieges would prefer avoid an outright war for either of us to acheive our own ends.

    “The Restored House, your Imperial Majesty, has two goals: return to its former glory and conquer Switzerland (white and purple striped), as attempted by Charles the Bold. Both actions would be in your lands. My proposal is that the Restored House of Valois would abandon their attempts to conquer the Swiss, in exchange for the Holy Roman Empire to surrender their right to the Netherlands and Flanders. On closer scrutiny, this should actually cause a buffer state (the Restored House) to the wars in France that might reach your lands, but the price is the rest of your entire western border claim. I will alert my liege to publically announce our agreement, map provided, to the other powers in Europe. When we reach an agreement, of course.

    “May I remind you, great Kaiser, that Grand Duke Phillip would love to conquer the Swiss, but he is willing to suppress his desire and will be content to gaining, governing, and defending the border of the Original House of Valois.

    “Will you, your Imperial Majesty, agree to my proposal, form a counter-offer, or refuse?”
  15. General Maximus
    General Maximus
    "Hmm...." The Kaiser looks upon the map, lost in thoughts, and after some time, He frowns and speaks in a stone-cold voice - "We refuse to cede to the demands made by the House of Valois. The lands of the Reich belong to no one else other than the Reich itself. This is an outrage!"

    After some time being lost in thoughts, His Imperial Majesty speaks in a more calmer manner - "
    We might be able to come to a decision if a better map was presented, more suited to the current situation of the world affairs."

    OOC: Will you be able to post a map from the game itself please, mate? It would be more accurate than the wiki map, and actually helps in telling which territories you want.
  16. pacifism
    "I have requested a map to be sent," Copernum finally replied.
  17. General Maximus
    General Maximus
    His Imperial Majesty takes a look at the new map, and is visibly enraged at the outrage provoked by the Chancellor. His Councillors also loudly express their annoyance. The Kaiser, after the ministers manage to calm him down somewhat, speaks - "This is an outrage! We will never agree to such demands! You have asked for nearly one quarter of our land, and expect it to be simply given away freely? Good Lord, our negotiations end right now for the time being. By God, go back to where you came from and stay out of my sight. Guards! Take him away!"

    Two guards march in and grab the Chancellor, and take him out of the Imperial Throne Room. They accompany him to the stables, give him a horse and the eastern portcullis is opened for him to ride away from Frankfurt Am Main.

    OOC: You should have posted the map here instead of the main thread, mate, because the main game thread is not meant to have diplomacy and claim maps that are not intended to be publicised.
  18. Kirila the Kitten
    Kirila the Kitten
    Would the Kind Kaiser accept an alliance with the Barbarians of the East? (psst it would be great against the Hungarians who will certainly not accept peace!)
  19. General Maximus
    General Maximus
    The Barbarians of the East are requested to state the advantages the Reich might have after allying with them. And also what kind of goods they trade with outsiders.
  20. Kirila the Kitten
    Kirila the Kitten
    I trade stuff with Egyptians and that's all.
    Also, The barbarians would be a good bait for the Hungarians as you attack them!
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