Lets play process

  1. Sun Jetzu
    Sun Jetzu
    I was wondering what everyones process is for filming their lets plays. Do you play while you film? Do you talk at the same time or wait till its already recorded? Do you have a script or free ball it? how often do you put it out? once a week? twice a month? Every couple of days?
    Whats your process?
  2. Steelwarrior
    Juts playing and speaking blind and spontaneously. As i get surprised or mess up like this sometimes it should be quite entertaining... ;-)
  3. Sun Jetzu
    Sun Jetzu
    hahaha nice nice, I do it that way now. before I used to play then record then talk. very time consuming and not fun at all. so I changed it to spontaneous, and its been alot more fun now
  4. Steelwarrior
    Yeo and I believe people enjoy hearing us mess up ;-)
  5. Sun Jetzu
    Sun Jetzu
    hahahah i think its funny sometimes when i hear someone mess up, and think well i would have done the same thing. if you watch my very crappy but first attempt at a lets play, i completly lost the game then quit playing it haha
  6. Steelwarrior
    Yeah - as i play blind I do not play so well too ;-) still learning while recording..
  7. Jackasaurus
    I record in bulk. Get about 7-8 parts done in a good session. All of my commentaries are live and unscripted because I believe it brings out the best of your personality. If I have a backlog to upload I upload one video a day
  8. Sun Jetzu
    Sun Jetzu
    ive tried doing my commentarys not live and its soooo time consuming lol
    live is def the way to go.
  9. Antiscamp
    I do live commentaries. Totally unscripted, but sometimes I write down a few points on paper if there's something I got to thinking about and need to comment upon. I record every day, because I want my LP's to be recent. I enjoy the interaction with my audience; when they tell me something and I can implement it in the next episode. I do one LP in bulk, recording the episodes during the weekends and uploading during the week, just as an experiment right now.
  10. Fishdawg
    I bulk record my games and live record makes things alot more interesting and saves time. My only problem is my internet. Only got a wireless internet key and only 15gb a month lol so I struggle to put up my videos and if the video upload crashes (which has happened) puts my up loading back several weeks
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