What the hell???

  1. mishkin
    Now the Rabbit is a woman?
    I prefer following women, clearly, but what the hell?????
  2. Lord Thesaurian
    Lord Thesaurian
    His Fluffiness is of many forms and phantoms. He has said will again manifest that which we all know and love soon enough. It is all prophesied in the Fluffy Book of Rabbit. All things are one within the mysteries of His Fluffiness. It is from the Great Prophesy that the myth of Isis and Horus is derived. Even as His Fluffiness cast aside His familiar, pancake-loving self, he consummated unto the form he has now adopted. Soon, like the mythical Isis/Horus, he will rebirth himself, unto himself. It is the Circle of Life. All Hail and Praise His Fluffiness Feridad, Blessed be Name!
  3. mishkin
    Hakuna Matata.
  4. Ferdiad
  5. Sir Adrian
    Sir Adrian
    Only when they are properly shaped.
  6. Ferdiad
    And one womenfolk.
Results 1 to 6 of 6