The Halls of the Coalition

  1. ✠Ikaroqx✠
    The Koravesky Coalition

    Motto: Land. Honour. Freedom. Power

    Government: Provincial government

    Language: The Ueravitch dialects

    Currency: Zloty

    Capital: Vosagreskk-Norlavas

    National Anthem: Link

    Battle theme: To raise the morale and bloodlust of our soldiers before battle our drummers and musicians who accompany our armies play this

    Leader: Lord Defender Strenyr Iroski

    Religion: No official state religion

    Colour: Grey 130,130,130


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    Despite what Lord Defender (LD) Strenyr Iroski would like his people to believe, the truth is that the proud, united nation he has so carefully instilled into their hearts and minds is really not much more than a political, economic and military alliance between several Baltic tribes. During the crisis of the 12th and 13th centuries, thousands of 'civilised barbarians' attacked from all directions, forcing the remaining seven Baltic tribes to unite under the banner of their legendary war hero, Koravesky.

    Now in 1480 the newly formed provincial government looks for a strong leader who will turn back the 'barbarians' from the gates of the capital Vosagreskk-Norlavas, so they turn towards an experienced military commander, General Strenyr Iroski of the southern army. Despite the insistence of his ministers, Iroski refuses the title of King, instead taking the title of Lord Defender, which gives him leeway to leave the daily running of the Coalition to the provincial government, while he conducts the war effort.

    Diplomatic protocols
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    Diplomats can request an audience with either the Provincial Government, or the Lord Defender. It doesn't matter which method is chosen, as both methods require the Lord Defender's approval of the decision.

    The protocols if a diplomat were to take their request before the Provincial Government are as follows:
    The government resides in the capital Vosagreskk-Norlavas, a grand city and the largest in Eastern Europe. Two rivers run through it and the Grand Palace sits on an island between the two rivers, this is where the government holds its weekly meetings and runs the country by the Lord Defender's approval. Vosagreskk-Norlavas is ringed by three walls. Visitors in groups of no more than ten are allowed weapons within the first two walls, any more than ten in a group are asked to hand over any weapons. Once inside the third wall, which surrounds the government, and elite guard's quarters, all weapons will be removed from any visitors, including any bodyguards.

    Once inside the palace, the diplomat will approach an official called the Listener and tell him what their diplomacy concerns. If it concern trade for example, the Listener will bring the Trade Master to negotiate with the diplomat, if it concerns war then both the Trade Master and the War Council will be brought forward to negotiate. Once the relevant Masters have made their choice concerning the diplomat's request, if the diplomacy is very urgent then they will send a message to the Lord Defender to request his final acceptance on the decision. While the message is sent to the Lord Defender, which may take between few few weeks to a few months, it is highly recommended that the visiting diplomat takes his time enjoying the sights of the capital. If it isn't urgent then the negotiations will come into effect and the diplomat can return to his homeland if he wishes.

    The protocols if a diplomat were to take their request directly before the Lord Defender are as follows:
    This method is certainly a lot trickier, for the Lord Defender is often out on military campaigns and it can take a long time to find him and also it can be dangerous. However the benefit is the diplomat doesn't have to wait while the government makes their mind up, then has to wait for the Lord Defender's decision. They can have the Lord Defender's decision right away.

    Unlike the previous method, there are no rules concerning diplomacy before the Lord Defender. He will usually be camped with his army in the field or residing in a castle, to find him the diplomat will have to ask for directions. Once the Lord Defender is found, it is only required that the diplomat bows and addresses him with the words 'My Honourable Lord.' From there he can bring his proposal forward.

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    The Kingdom of England

    Trade rights:
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    The Kingdom of England
    The Kingdom of Scotland

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    Leaders of the Coalition:
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    Lord Defender Strenyr Iroski
    General Aroleneyr Iroski
    The Duke of Levoskol
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    Captain Vasarezki

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