Planets: Fiefs and Colonization

  1. Dirty Chai
    Dirty Chai
    - Players start out with an invented planet of their making; of couse, this is highly moderated by a strict system of registration. A system for resources will come soon.
    - This planet is their Primary Fief.
    - A Primary Fiefs is very hard to remove from a House.
    - It's also very difficult to gain more fiefs and advance. Difficulty is simply what balances players.

    - New planets can be created, as in newly discovered, and colonized.
    - This will be a lengthy process.
    - The colonized planet will then be in the hands of the House or player who colonized it.
    - However, the Landsraad can revoke the new planet and give it to someone else.
    They can do so with relative ease.
  2. Dirty Chai
    Dirty Chai
  3. Gandalfus
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