
  1. Rhapture

    This game has to do with becoming the most powerful man in Japan. Now most might think this means becoming Shogun, and that is the most direct route you could take, but there are other ways to capture power. Monks and missionaries work behind the scenes to influence the decisions of others, do you have the skill and guile to be the puppet-master of the emperor or even the shogun. Perhaps you start out as a simple Ronin, but through your actions you gain enough land to become a daimyo yourself. Even the ninja can be influential, possibly as the bodyguards of the shogun, deciding who comes and goes from his presence, even deciding his fate as well.
    There are three main stats that your Main character will acquire over the game, Influence, peasant popularity, and traditions. Some actions you take will automatically give you points in these categories, other times you need to RP to gain points, it is all up to how you play your character. You can use these points to help you perform other actions such as hiring a ninja, or you can save them to help your dice rolls.
    The economy is based on rice production, which will be called Koku. To balance the game, all provinces will produce the same amount of koku per turn; however you can upgrade your province to produce more. Although too much production limits your peasant army recruitment. Upkeep of your army will cost Koku. Purchases such as hiring ronin, troops, upgrading your province and trade missions will cost koku.

    Paths to Power

    Daimyos – win battles to capture provinces and gain influence. Once you grow other daimyos may form alliances to stop you, gain access to the emperor and try to convince him you have the right to be shogun.

    Ronin – participate in battles, go on quests to spread your fame, be rewarded with more land, then make your play for power. Become the chief regent of the emperor if becoming a daimyo seems too daunting.

    Monks and Missionaries gain influence through their actions. Monk would try to gain access through the emperor, missionaries influence over daimyos by spreading Christianity.

    Ninja – the hardest path, you would need to become the bodyguards of the emperor or the shogun to exert true power. Otherwise daimyos use you to try to subvert others. Anyone can hire a ninja.

    Daimyos will be the main characters in the game, especially at the beginning before players start to expand, so if you choose to be another type of character you will mostly likely need to RP a lot if you want to be active, a monk or ninja is a good part time player. Ronins will have to hire themselves out early in the game to lead armies and should be more involved.
  2. Rhapture
    Bushido: The Way of the Warrior

    Japan 1550

    Turmoil rules the country. The Shogun controlled by the puppet-master of whatever daimyo has temporary power of central Japan. War has ravaged the countryside and turn about what was once a strong central government. Lowborn peasants have over run provinces and thrown out their rightful lords. Roving bands posing as samurai terrorize villages. Neighbors turn on neighbors to save their own skin. Can no one end the madness? Can Japan be saved? Or will the ongoing conflicts allow some foreign power to invade and conquer?

    This is the world you live in. What you do and how you accomplish it is up to you. Direct conflict? Subterfuge? Coercion? Tactical brilliance? Choose the path you want to go down.
    Start your career as a minor daimyo, a ronin-samurai, a ninja or a monk/missionary. What you do then is your decision.

    Paths to Power
    Daimyos – win battles to capture provinces and gain influence. Once you grow other daimyos may form alliances to stop you, gain access to the emperor and try to convince him you have the right to be shogun.

    Ronin – participate in battles, go on quests to spread your fame, be rewarded with more land, then make your play for power. Become the chief regent of the emperor if becoming a daimyo seems too daunting.

    Monks and Missionaries gain influence through their actions. Monk would try to gain access through the emperor, missionaries influence over daimyos by spreading Christianity.

    Ninja – the hardest path, you would need to become the bodyguards of the emperor or the shogun to exert true power. Otherwise daimyos use you to try to subvert others. Anyone can hire a ninja.

    This rpg will have both the ability to grow your province and conquer others while also allowing for the small party rpg adventures that so many people enjoy. These adventures could be to find a legendary piece of armor or save a village from a mythical creature or to sabotage an enemy province. You can do these in groups or solo. These adventures will increase your characters traits and abilities through good role-play, which will let them try to become the controlling influence over the shogun if they choose to participate in that part of the game. Daimyos would of course be able to wage war and have other RP choices available to them, but of course still be able to go on the adventures with others.

    Most of the rules are written but mostly I am wondering how people would like the game to start. There could be a historical start but I believe a balanced start with each province being equal would be better. You could still play a historical daimyo if you wanted and start in their 'home' province, but you would only control that one province. Also by giving a balanced start, players who do not start at game launch can still begin with a single province and not feel useless.
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