What's your favorite thing about His Fluffiness?

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  1. Tia
    My favorite thing is He will provide us with salvation pancakes summoned by The Rabbit himself.
  2. Ferdiad
    My favourite thing is daily provisions of rep. Truly I am benevolent.
  3. Rijul.J.Ballal
    perhaps your benevolence could be extended a little towards me...
  4. Sir Adrian
    Sir Adrian
    My favorite thing is the witty posts and candid expression.
  5. Ferdiad
    rjul i'm always open to business
  6. Sir Adrian
    Sir Adrian
    If only the rest of Ireland would have your business sense.
  7. Ferdiad
    Sadly the germans continue to steal from us.
  8. Sir Adrian
    Sir Adrian
    Blasted Germans. They are as bad as the English.
  9. Ferdiad
    No, no one is as bad as the English. They are on a level of their own.
  10. Sir Adrian
    Sir Adrian
    Blasted English.
  11. Ferdiad
    Perfidious Albion indeed.
  12. Sir Adrian
    Sir Adrian
    It's times like these I like to burn an image of the Lord Protector.
  13. Ferdiad
    My fireplace burns with portraits of the royals every day, the fire soothes me.
  14. Sir Adrian
    Sir Adrian
    Nothing better to keep you warm in the cold winter months.
  15. Ferdiad
    Rep keeps me warm.
  16. Ferdiad
    Rep keeps me warm.
  17. Sir Adrian
    Sir Adrian
    Since you said it twice, it must be true.
  18. Ferdiad
    If i had said it 3 times something terrible would have happened.
  19. Sir Adrian
    Sir Adrian
    Meh, I would have been protected since I am in your group.
  20. Ferdiad
    My love for you is indeed protection.
Results 1 to 20 of 34
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