Kosovo is Serbia

  1. jimmy spong
    jimmy spong
    ja mislio ono bijele kapice , znas ono kad je slobo reka "otkud ovoliki vaterpolisti"
  2. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    @The Noble Lord
    you can copy-paste 'em from here: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/album.php?albumid=476
    ...and GreenEyedDvl promised to include some of them in the official roster too

    @jimmy spong
    Tzar is absolutely right - I once bought a bad ice cream from one of them and the guy wasn't even registered, so I couldn't sue him, so I'm pretty much offended myself, so I say
    that ice cream guy - that is not how you run an ice cream shop!
  3. clandestino
    What, USA spends just 580 times more on military then Serbia? We should have annihilate them back in the 1999...
  4. jimmy spong
    jimmy spong
    *scratch* *scratch*
    A little off topic but talking about '99, Clan i remember how embarrassed were the Nato-lovers when they discovered that the the Serbian forces weren't destroyed.They were telling that the 60-70% of the Serbian army (mostly the armor) was destroyed,but when the one side war (Nato attacked Serbia without declaration of war) ended the Greek tv said that the percentage of the damage was extremely low than the Nato believed.We all saw pictures of cars painted and "dressed" like tanks and also some wooden models of artillery and armored cars destroyed,while the real armor were returning unharmed in their bases.
  6. Tzar
    That wright COMIS -3- ΠΑΝΙΩΝΑΡΑ we even make fake airports
  7. Agisilaos
    and did they bombard them as well?
    Yes agisilaos they bombard every decoy hahaha.Ok another story from '99 but this time on Greece:A small Nato convoy lead by English in Athens,looking for Thessaloniki,hahahah they started for Thessaloniki and someone purposely (a Greek citizen gave the false direction) led them buck all the way to athens
  9. Agisilaos
    it is hard to believe it actually happened friend Comi. they didn't have a single map? they should have noticed it also from the signs that are on the streets about the distance etc.
  10. Tzar
    Hahahahah Agi they were asking if they were in Thessaloniki while they were in Rentis (and especially in the Lahanagora).All the Tv reporters asked the same thing,how they didn't managed to understand that the citizen tricked them,what about the maps?This incident was concluded in a tv serial in Greece ("Oi 2 ξένοι") Agi.
  12. Agisilaos
    Hahahaha. in Rentis lahanagora?
    -έλα πάρε καλέ κύριε!
    -hi citizen is Thessaloniki near by???
    -η ποιά;;;;
    -για δες ρε μεγάλε αν έρχομαι!
    -ok thank you very much. Guys we are in Thessaloniki loooool
  13. The Noble Lord
    The Noble Lord
    If I knew who that Greek citizen was I would buy him round of drinks on me for the whole night.
  14. clandestino
    It was me.
  15. Agisilaos
  16. The Noble Lord
    The Noble Lord
    Whoever he was, my hat goes off to him.
  17. Rydwan
    Kosovo is Serbia
  18. Dismounted H@Xx0rZ
    Dismounted H@Xx0rZ
    The illegally occupied Confederate States of America supports Serbia in it's time of need.
  19. Probe
    Have you guys seen the posts by Ali G in the Kosovo thread? Good God!
  20. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    Guess what!? There's a Serb in the rival group supporting KLA!! I won't name him, so they cannot say I'm up to a lynch or something, but check it out yourselves http://www.twcenter.net/forums/group.php?groupid=56

    How sad and pathetic, but what can you do, there were always traitors, but the faithful always prevailed.

    Aside from being pathetic, this goes to further prove that Serbia is a democratic society where even these kind of bums are tolerated, if he was an Shqiptar in Pristina promoting Serbian integrity - you can imagine what would happen to him

    ''Whoever is a Serb and of Serbian kin, and does not fight in Kosovo, let his arms bare no fruit, neither red wine nor white whet, let him not give birth, neither male nor female, let him rot for all eternity''

    Holy Prince Lazar's curse to the traitors, 1389AD
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