Kosovo is Serbia

  1. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    Here's where you can go to protest the issue in the Q&S - and I urge you to PM as much of our less active members so that they can voice their protest too

  2. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    Mk3 now links to Mk1 and Mk2 - red alert is off!

    Thank God I rarely sleep at this time of night
  3. clandestino
    Good work Vojvoda!
  4. Agisilaos
    good work indeed
  5. SrbLordMija
  6. The Noble Lord
    The Noble Lord
    So, new thread about Kosovo has been open, have you all seen claim that Albanians were there for 64.000 years and that they had functioning democracy and state at that time
    Our well known "friend" made that post, I wonder whats he smoking??
  7. Probe
    Something very strong.
    Oh my god
  9. Probe
    I made a new social group for all the people in the Balkans. Everyone can join.

    Here is the link
  10. Milos98
    There is going to be a lot of fire in that group if everyone joins...
  11. Војвода Драгутин Кесеровић
    Welcome chuchi42
  12. The Noble Lord
    The Noble Lord
    Hey Probe, whats the name of that group that you made?? That link appears not to be working.
  13. Baron Vlad Felix
    Baron Vlad Felix
    Welcome brother Andrew87!!!
  14. Probe
    Ex-Yugoslavia. I just thought it would be cool to have.
  15. Dracula
    Hey when do we go and kick somebody in Kosovo ? I am bored of waiting.
  16. Tzar
    The time will come my friend Dracula!
  17. SrbLordMija
    Be patient my friend!!!
  18. The Noble Lord
    The Noble Lord
    The time will come Dracula, Kosovo was liberated once before and it will be liberated again. History repeats itself constantly. Like the King Nikola's song says: "There, over there... I see Prizren!It is all mine – home I shall come!
    Beloved antiquity calls me there,
    Armed I must come there one day".
  19. Obilic
    Greetings my friends...Kosovo IS Serbia!!!
  20. Milos98
    How is it going in these cold days, guys?
    I heard that Vuk ( Jeremic ) wants to do some diplomacy, and I wondered in what way do you think it will end, and what effect will it have on other nations?
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