You are the Senate: The Best Thing Ever

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  1. Kritias
    Now, look at that! I don't know who thought the whole chat thing but he's a genius and I owe him my allegiance!
  2. Pontifex Maximus
    Pontifex Maximus
    I think it was simbot.
  3. Maxinius Scipio
    Maxinius Scipio
    I see you changed your username yet again, Fabius.
  4. Starvin Marvin
    hurray now i am in 12 social groups!
  5. KoS
    First social group I've joined, and what a group at that.
  6. Pontifex Maximus
    Pontifex Maximus
    We are not a social group. We are an establishment, we are the voice of the people, WE....ARE....THE....SENATE!!! *trumpets sound*
  7. Gaius Julius Civilis
    Gaius Julius Civilis
    Are we? I thought we were an independant collective of equals intended to rule in the best interest of Res Publica, Rome... and the rest of the world. Meh, shows what I know
  8. Evolution
    Heretics !

    I want to Join!
  9. Winter
    No no no, we are the a gathering of educated and wealthy aristocrats who put our superior intelligence and charming good looks to work for the people of the Republic!
  10. RVFVS
    Hello all!
  11. Evolution
    Do you guys have an Emperor ? or has not yet happened?
  12. Philos Sophos
    Philos Sophos
    Oh yes this thing sucks so one visits this...YATS is deader than Elvis guys...
  13. RVFVS
    Nah its just having a break
  14. Xavier Dragnesi
    Xavier Dragnesi
    A big break, where the stuff that's going on is more important than when there wasn't a break. :hmmm:
  15. Pontifex Maximus
    Pontifex Maximus
    We have proclaimed Caius Pontif as Imperator for life. May his reign be glorious and mob-like.
  16. Gaius Julius Civilis
    Gaius Julius Civilis
    Have we? Where has my vote gone? I voted Obama OBAMA 4 AUGUSTUS
  17. Philos Sophos
    Philos Sophos
    Obama?...who the hell votes for him,I vote for Washington!

    and YATS is still deader than Elvis...
  18. Winter
    Tibs will you calm the hell down? Yats is not now nor will it ever be (as long as I'm around) dead.
  19. Evolution
    Winters is the MESSIAH!!!!

    Burn him
  20. Philos Sophos
    Philos Sophos
    YATS is deader than Hitler...or Himmler...or Goering...(Georging WTF?)

    LOL Winter,I'm just bored...why havent you figured that out?I think you should go to school [/joke]
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