Supporters of historical accuracy and realism in TW games.

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  1. Björneborgs regemente
    Björneborgs regemente
    Welcome all like minded.
  2. marko888
    hay dude im mark im 19 years old and i live in adelaide, australia

    good to meet ya.
  3. marko888
    where about in the world are you from
  4. Björneborgs regemente
    Björneborgs regemente
    Finland, im 29, old fart.
  5. marko888
    sick, so what total war games do you have
  6. Matte979
    Hi guys, this group sound like my kind of group.
  7. Matte979
    Btw, I am swedish. Exiled in the US in Illinois territory.
  8. Björneborgs regemente
    Björneborgs regemente
    Heja Illinois!
    So it seems you do some modding also, very nice to see you in this group.
  9. Smeel
    bra initiativ, Björneborg! I was really dissapointed when I saw the swedish uniforms ingame! I'm acutally working on retexturing the swedish line infantry, giving them a little more yellow. If it turns out well I can post it here if someone wants it =)
  10. Björneborgs regemente
    Björneborgs regemente
    Thank you.

    Its nice see others that think alike, im not actually qualified but i anounced a mod allready.

    It could be a one man mod or then i suceed in getting people excited and i can get someone more experienced to lead it.
  11. Takeda Shingen
    Takeda Shingen
    Hi guys!

    Thanks for the invitation. This is definitely my typ of group!!
  12. Magnus72
    Hello my name is Magnus and I was asked by björneborg if I could join and draw uniforms. Yes I can. I am 31 years old and live in Sweden, currently I have retextured Prussian line infantry and cuirassier along with Austrian cuirassiers and line infantry.
  13. jarnomiedema
    Thanks for asking me to help out, Björneborg. I'm pretty busy at the moment, but I'll be sure to check around here as much as possible.. Also, expect a reply to that PM sometime later today!
  14. Takeda Shingen
    Takeda Shingen
    Well, I got them all....twice^^ with all add-ons of course.
    I only have one version of Empire up to now. I wonder how the multiplayer campaign will be and then I might buy another version.

    I am from Frankfurt/Germany by the way 31 years YOUNG

  15. Takeda Shingen
    Takeda Shingen
    haha, this threads goes from bottom to top

  16. fishcop444
    "Empire: Total Realsim" modders sure have their work cut out for them!
  17. Babur
    hi all

    I am pretty zealous when it comes to historical accuracy so I had to join
  18. Lance-Corporal Jones
    Lance-Corporal Jones
    Supporters of historical accuracy? I'll definitely join. Too many "it's just a game" people out there. Guess what -- if it were accurate, it would still be a game!
  19. Phalanx300
    Historical Accuracy = Better Gameplay and More Fun .(Though it doesn't have to be 100% correct)
  20. Darth Ravenous
    Darth Ravenous
    100% correct with the ability to change=Epic Win
Results 1 to 20 of 60
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