"Concilium Plebis"? Bah!

  1. Legio
    Attilawhatever is a nice guy but i hate his idea lol.
    It takes away all vestiges of earning badges the good old way.
  2. Darth Ravenous
    Darth Ravenous
  3. Legio
    So what do you think of his new proposition?
  4. Captain Blackadder
    Captain Blackadder
    Its even worse then the previous one giving everyone a badge you have got to be kidding me. They have to be joking.
  5. Darth Ravenous
    Darth Ravenous
    No they're serious and now we must destroy this idea.
  6. Legio
    Look slike it is ridiculously undermined already
  7. Father Jack
    Father Jack
    Its so lulzy (excuse the chan talk). Does anyone else here know what the definition of a 'lol cow' is? Search it on the Encyclopedia Dramatica and I think we have found a new candidate.
  8. Darth Ravenous
    Darth Ravenous
    I don't think so he is still refusing to give up.
  9. Legio
  10. Darth Ravenous
    Darth Ravenous
    Wow just read it and I change my statment he is definitely one.
  11. Legio
    indeed. i wonder why he is so obstinate.
  12. Darth Ravenous
    Darth Ravenous
    Cause he's a fool.
  13. Erwin Rommel
    Erwin Rommel
    even as I am alowly pleb. I friggin hate the idea plus his analogy that every one has rights. Hell the only right we have is to make posts view it and make threads. GET OVER it

    anyone thinking of countering that new sig of "PLebs have rights too" with somehting?
  14. Darth Ravenous
    Darth Ravenous
    Yes I have an idea.
  15. Darth Ravenous
    Darth Ravenous
    The Anti-pleb movement-Sponsored by us.
  16. Erwin Rommel
    Erwin Rommel
    HMm maybe a flashy sig perhaps?
  17. D.B. Cooper
    D.B. Cooper
    I almost fell off my chair at the definition of a lol-cow. Too funny.
  18. Darth Ravenous
    Darth Ravenous
    Yes a sig called the Anti-Plebian Movement. Only members of this group will be able to get it.
  19. Osceola
    Hell I absolutely despise plebs and yet I'am one!
  20. Osceola
    Well guys, I just got through talking to my mole in Concilium Plebis, apparently they don't like us to much.

    First page..

    concilium plebis bah! BAH!

    * Report

    Today 05:14 PM
    Calvin, what smilie is there for jokes? I only use the basic ones mostly, but sorry if you took it that way, I was joking (I know, I am not a good joker ).

    Yeah the Concilium Plebis Bah! is not very good, they are adovcating making fun of me. One stated

    "Let's go make fun of atillavolciak and that awful group of his!"

    Last Crusader
    Yes, we DO need to have the same signature. I thought that we could make a poll in the forums to decide it (but the problem comes when there are voting no Plebeians...)

    BTW, have you seen the group ""Concilium Plebis?" Bah!". It is really digusting .

    Artorius Maximus
    We need to decide on an official signature though, as of now, we are divided (different signatures).

    If every Concilium Plebis supporter had the same signature, we would have more influence, I think.

    Artorius Maximus
    I've updated my signature on the forum. I think it really represents a good (Citizen) supporter of the Plebeians.

    S.P.Q.R. Praetorian
    Calvin is right, that would be an epic phail if you used plan B.

    You get laughed at by citizens yes. But if you go directly to hex and bypass the curia it doesn't matter what they say. Saying things like "I'll bring a good part down with me" is a surefire way of NOT convincing people you want this done for the good of the site. Thats what all the amendments and proposals are for - the good of the site. If you think this concilium plebis would be good for

    A) already happens
    B) I'll bring a good part down with me

    What would you suppose would work then?

    attila - you say the populace inevitably decides all rules or actions anyway you might be right when we talk incredibly long term in the real world, but this isn't the real world. This is a privately owned forum where you can be banned in a split second and it won't be against any rules. Hex make the rules. All you can do is try and persuade them. Don't kid yourself. You can't approach this

    I have made a campaign to get this group, official on TWC. Please help me and join my petition. I've been succesful with other groups and I am happy to make this a second!

    "The Plebis Group Petition Supporter" , by putting this on your signauter, you can help!


    Some juicy espionage for you all.
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