My "Retirement"
, February 26, 2018 at 01:56 AM (9253 Views)
Enough people have asked so....Let's try to keep this as un-dramatic as possible.
To make a long story really short...Recent developments in my life has made it really difficult to continue being a staffer. I was recently hired in a teaching job (hooray!) but coming into it halfway in the year has given me a great deal of anxiety, which has led to some health issues popping up. I was already suffering some issues in the month prior to being hired (and I "felt" they were coming too) so it was only exacerbated. I'm also incredibly busy now as well.
But also I have been feeling for months that my heart just isn't in TWC staff work any more. It's been nearly six years (with only a brief break) and I have done pretty much everything I have wanted to do. Within that time I have been a Librarian, Moderator, Wiki staffer (Tango's favorite, if I recall correctly ), Content writer, and Content director for News (FB), Pictures and Videos (and Review of the Month), Gamer's Gazette, and a brief stint in Helios. I even somehow managed to reach being an administrator for Content and later Moderation (during which I dropped my duties as director and worked under the amazing Mhaedros and Alwyn), which is something I never expected nor truly desired. I hope I did the role as both Content and Moderation Hex adequately enough though. In those roles I have written nearly 80 reviews (only about 50 of which I like), managed a year's worth of competitions, and made sure to defend the site against dozens of rule breakers. I have done a lot, and I think it is enough.
Am I ruling out a return in the future? Of course not. But for now, I think rest is in order. The site is in very capable hands.
But on the bright side...I still have a few reviews in various stages of development that I am not going to abandon, and I also have a one final Game of the Year competition to help run with Mhaedros. So you will still be seeing me around for sure for a while.
Cheers, guys. And let's all have a good week.