Times are a'changing
, March 29, 2015 at 04:38 PM (3621 Views)
Ohayou! I'm Hitai, Total War Center's worst writer and most boring member of Content staff. I sense this blog isn't going to be very interesting at all, but thankfully it's far prettier than Aik's, so every cloud!
I used to have another blog here, but I guess now it's better to move over here; if only to help promote the new features GED's been working hard to implement recently.
So, I usually talk about writing, which I find very interesting, since, you know, I'm a writer. Probably best not to go into too much detail here, but I can write a sort of introductory post I guess, to let y'all know who I am, what I do and the general things I'll be blogging about.
I'm currently writing a Shogun 2 after action report entitled Yokai, which is heaps of fun to write, although not that pleasant to read from what I've been told. It's a kind of spooky supernatural tale set during the Fall of the Samurai timeframe. Expect ghosts, demons and loads of funky stuff like that. I'll primarily be blogging about that I guess, or other writing projects I have going on (which are few at the moment).
On top of that, and in my staff capacity, I edit the Critic's Quill, which is one of TWC's content publications. The Quill mainly discusses what's happening in the literary corner of TWC, reviewing stories, interviewing prominent authors from the forums and giving out helpful tips and tricks to people who want to get involved with writing about Total War. We actually published an issue last week, which you can check out here if you want to see what it's all about.
I guess that's about all I have to cover for the time being. I'm sure I'll be back soon to talk about some more specific things; mainly my AARs and other insights into the writing world here.