Aik's Corner
, March 29, 2015 at 03:47 PM (3373 Views)
So here it is, TWC Front End Blogs are live. :thumbsup2
I was really looking forward to this feature. Now that it's here, I'm still exited about it and so this is Aik's Corner. Aik's Corner? Yeah, maybe Aik's Rant Corner or Aik's Speaking Corner or is it about what's going on in the D&D or in the Curia or about Cigars or other products, modding or games?
Maybe it's all of that. Maybe it's something completely different. I'm not too sure about this yet myself, hence why I selected the Life on TWC category.
And now for something completely different and incredibly important too: what avatar shall I be displaying today?
:hmm: tough choice.