Update on the IRS situation
, April 15, 2015 at 07:24 PM (9392 Views)
This is too long to put in the comments section, so I will post some info and reply to comments as well.
I managed to eliminate $24,800 of that $52,000 number by faxing them a ton of paperwork, after I went and bought a damned FAX machine. They haven't confirmed that yet (they need 30 days....) and then I will get another letter telling me what they think.
They are still probably going to bang me on $6,000 worth of donations that got reclassified from "Personal Payments" to "Sale of Good and Services" which means I will probably end up paying $1500 (guessing here) or so once its all said and done. That's one hell of a lot better than $16,000.
Here is the part that really blows, both for me and for anyone that made a small donation to TWC. PayPal is now charging me fees on those donations to the tune of about $400. Its basically a 30 cent transaction fee plus 3.4% of the total, just like its a credit card transaction. So lets assume you donated $1.00
1.00 - .30 transaction fee - .04 percentage fee - = 66 cents gross income for TWC.
Gross income means before I spend it on whatever TWC needs. Anything left over I am being banged for a 35% federal income tax because of my personal income bracket since these donations will now be considered "Sale of Goods and Services" instead of a person to person transfer like it would be it you opened your wallet and gave me $1. So a small donation is really no longer worth accepting. That sucks for a lot of TWC members as most of our donations were in the $5 range, there were just a lot of them. I need to seriously consider whether or not I will accept any donations at all in the future.
Not a thing, unless you happen to have a Democrat senator in your pocket that can tell me how they get away with not paying their own taxes...Originally Posted by Gen. Chris
The Dems are making the rules, have been for years.Originally Posted by Garbarsardar
Governments are the same the world over. They have no idea how things work.We'll get them basterds, GED, I promise you. Did I tell you about the time I had to prove to the Greek IRS that I am indeed in Taiwan and indeed a full time faculty member and indeed tenured? And that they asked me to translate the letters from the Taiwan IRS, from the University vice-president and the personnel office? And that they would only accept translation from our foreign office? And that there was no-one in the foreign office that could translate Traditional Chinese (as opposed to the simplified chinese)? And that after looking the Greek IRS guy for 5 minutes in the eye, after all this, he said "I guess it's alright then"?
Next summer. We are taking a roadtrip in the States this year. Next year we are doing another overseas trip and Greece is high on the list of choices.Come to Greece, GED.
TWC is technical a Sole Proprietorship though I have considered going to LLC. We cannot operate as a non-profit because we don't actually do any charity work of any sort, not to mention I would have to remove the Political Mudpit to qualify under IRS regulations.Originally Posted by PikeStance