"I demand that you conclude and sign all of the market development department's contracts"
, April 11, 2015 at 12:27 AM (3195 Views)
It's five o clock on a Saturday morning and I'm at university studying, as I have been for the past six hours, along with two other people in a four storey building that can probably fit thousands. Do I have any pressing assignments due in? No. I'm just a night owl with a few week's worth of work to catch up on. It's very tranquil though and I love the feeling of being awake and active when everyone else is asleep.
From my textbook, I just learnt the Chinese for 'market development department', which is 市场开发部, or shìchǎngkāifābù. Don't ask me why I need to learn this, I just do. This morning I also learnt how to say 'demand' (要求 yāoqiú), 'all' (一切 yīqiè), 'conclude and sign' (签订 qiāndìng) and 'contract' (合同 hétóng). So I can now say:
Wǒ yāoqiú nǐ qiāndìng yīqiè shìchǎngkāifābù de hétóng
"I demand that you conclude and sign all of the market development department's contracts"
The grammar is probably all wrong (Google Translate doesn't agree with it at least), but I'm sure I'd be able to get my point across, if one day I married a wealthy CEO and then one Autumn afternoon I came to see her on her lunch break, but out of nowhere she fell horrendously ill, and, just as I was about to rush her to hospital, the market development department suddenly came up with some brilliant, but also very urgent ideas that needed to be vetted before the end of the day, so I had to tell my wife's personal assistant to sort it out, since, in terms of next-of-kin, I'm the company's legal successor until such a time that our son is born. Otherwise I have absolutely no idea when I would ever need to use that sentence.
Thankfully that's one of the only unnecessary things in my textbook. Hopefully I can finish learning about all this market development stuff and move on to the topic of the next chapter:
Wǒ yǒu kěnéng zuò zhōngguó fēichuán dào tàikōng
"I'm likely to take a space trip by a Chinese spacecraft"