Brewster's final thoughts on his TWC participation through the years.
, March 29, 2020 at 05:20 PM (4212 Views)
Long have I aspired writing something that detailed my great deeds upon this website. Like how HorseArcher told the tale of the last Emperor. Fact remains I never did great deeds on this website so you cannot write about your great deeds if you didn't commit them. So maybe I'll write a bit about my mediocre participation on this board. As now more than ever and yes, I'm aware that I often announced my retirement from the site, the end of my time here really comes near.
I've had many ups and many downs on this site. Notable downs being so down and lifeless that I started sprouting my personal bits on here. Or having been so overwhelmed by anger that I threatened to resign my curatorship, or when I resigned my Gaming Staff role. There's also this time I was very angry with the CdeC because they didn't approve my citizenship request because I once called someone a Fuhrer in the foreign language threads. Or that one time I called everyone in the CdeC incompetent on warscape modding. Or the second time when I said that same. Notable moments were learning to mod, bringing out my mods and seeing downloads go over 10K in total. Forging a friendship with someone in my second week that is still upholding to this very day. Meeting grandiose people all over the world. Getting my citizenship came as a huge reward for my modding efforts. That also meant the eventual end of my modding. Which compared to greats like Darth Vader and Radious wasn't that great anyway.
I dare say the the Curia of 2012 was still packed with Titans. Titans I had been looking up too and wanted to mingle with. I am not someone who easily remembers something.. but that I do remember vividly. As I remember the countless of rants I had because people got elected without ever lifting a finger or something. Gods that can still rattle me. Anyhow. It kick started a pretty long Curial Activity span. Something I did with pride, honor and dignity I hope. Where I was imprinted rules were rules. You followed the constitution or you were publicly scorned. This was exactly the mindset I took into all the offices I held. Five times elected to the CdeC. Elected to the Curial Community Team, Elected Censor, Elected magistrate three times, elected Curator four times and was Curator for 16 months eventually. I literally spend years being a part of the Curia, helping it's offices and it's institutions. Hence my disillusioned manner when the various overhaul's happened. Yes the Curia had flaws but reducing it to a shadow didn't help either. My experiences say that you don't go against those that are active. Ah well.
During my early days I used to do a lot of exploring on the forum. Which eventually led me to the RPG's. After lurking a little I decided to give it a go. At the beginning my mastery of English and taking things much too literal and getting into petty arguments. Which caused a lot of upheaval and my departure from the site. Though that also had to do with other things off site. Eventually though with my return to the site, a return to the RPG's was in order. I didn't leave it since. People there now my shortcomings, my strengths and tolerate me. Which I often don't even do with myself
For many months I have been at crossroads. Technically with the inactivity of the RPG fora I have had no reason to stay. As they had become the only forum section I've been active for the past 1.5 year. I had a lot of time to reflect on my stay here. What it did here and what I didn't. I was not great at anything. Nor particularity good at anything you can do here on the site. I shined in mediocrity and it's probably the reason why I never achieved goals that I had set for myself when I got seriously active here. While for some I might have racked up some fancy medals.. they have little to no value to me. I earned them in a time there's more medals than ever before. I never got a gold medal, nor did I get the one thing I truly hoped to earn one day. A large award. I had always looked up to those we earned them. I realize that the happy moments and friendships are the most important I got from this site and that makes me happy. Happier than any set of pixels could.
With events transpiring the past two days I think that there's no place for me here anymore. Now that sounds hopelessly dramatic but I do mean it. With people failing to see the Constitution is there to adhere to for all Curia affairs at least. Those people undermine the very fabric of the institution that gave me my citizenship, which grants the ability to become Magistrate and gives the office of Magistrate it's powers. I do not think that I there's place for me to remain here as the old, conservative and mediocre relic of days gone by.
All in all, I think my greatest value to this board was nothing more than participating on it. Being a mediocre, average Joe that didn't leave, didnt want to change and eventually ended up with nothing.
Take care