• Curia Report - Term 3

    Curia Report - Term 3
    September 14th 2021 - January 16th 2022

    Consul's Commentary

    Well, that's another term complete. We got quite a bit done this term, I'd say. I've been helping run things here for about two years now and in all that time I don't think I've ever seen such a period of activity here. More than 40 awards distributed, 4 new citizens (3 courtesy of yours truly), 5 succesful decisions and 2 succesful amendments in the past four months. We had our fair share of arguments and disagreements, including a VoNC that never went to vote, but at the end of the day I think we're closer than ever as a community. I can only hope that the next term will bring even more activity and participation to the Curia in general and the site at large. I'm very pleased to have been able to work alongside Flinn in administering things the past few months and think he deserves recognition for having done a fantastic job. With the current election I look forward to being given another opportunity to help out the site by administering the Curia.



    I. Magistrate - 10/07/21 - Gigantus elected as Magistrate
    II. Magistrate - 11/02/21 - Kilo11 elected as Magistrate


    9/11/21 - (8-5-1) [Decision] Abolish the 501st Modding Awards
    10/15/21 - (11-0-0) [Decision] Legio 501st Award Images & Wording Update
    10/20/21 - (4-13-1) [Amendment] Section III, Article I
    10/25/21 - (9-0-1) [Amendment] Legio 501st Modder Awards Rewording
    10/27/21 - (7-3-0) [Decision] Opifex Artwork Update
    11/03/21 - (11-2-2) [Decision] Creating a Curial Banner (and Logo)
    11/03/21 - (13-12-1) [Amendment] Section 3 - Article I
    11/04/21 - (9-4-1) [Decision] Move the TWC Milestone Award thread out of the Symposium
    - (16-6-1) [Amendment] Section III, Article I
    11/12/21 - (8-10-1) [Decision] Elected Moderators
    11/22/21 - (14-0-0) [Decision] Re-post the Constitution
    11/27/21 - (9-0-0) [Decision] Asterix's Loincloth Restoration Act
    12/14/21 - (9-5-4) [Decision] Award for Beta-Testers
    12/18/21 - (6-4-0) [Amendment] The Proconsuls

    Citizenship Applications

    10/24/21 - (18-0-0) [Artifex] Gyrosmeister (Patron: Akar)
    11/02/21 - (13-0-0) [Citizen] Fahnat (Patron: PikeStance)
    11/18/21 - (17-0-0) [Citizen] ggggtotalwarrior (Patron: Akar)
    12/21/21 - (12-0-2) [Citizen] BagaturSasha (Patron: Akar)


    9/25/21 - (14-0-1) [Award] Athelstan for Curial Service Award
    10/03/21 - (13-0-0) [Award] Muizer for Opifex
    10/03/21 - (12-0-0) [Award] Steph for Legio 501st (Gold)
    10/03/21 - (14-0-0) [Award] Withwnar for Legio 501st (Gold)
    10/03/21 - (12-0-0) [Award] KurdishNomad for Legio 501st (Gold)
    10/04/21 - (12-0-0) [Award] Muizer for Legio 501st (Gold)
    10/04/21 - (13-0-0) [Award] Gyrosmeister for Legio 501st (Gold)
    10/04/21 - (12-0-0) [Award] Havie for Legio 501st (Silver)
    10/04/21 - (14-0-0) [Award] Gyrosmeister for Modding Service Award
    10/08/21 - (14-0-0) [Award[ -Durango- for Legio 501st (Silver)
    10/09/21 - (13-0-0) [Award] Ishan for Legio 501st (Gold)
    10/09/21 - (11-0-1) [Award] General Brewster for Legio 501st (Gold)
    10/09/21 - (13-0-1) [Award] Jurand of Cracow for Legio 501st (Gold)
    10/10/21 - (12-0-1) [Award] BraselC5048 for Legio 501st (Bronze)
    10/12/21 - (9-0-0) [Award] Callistonian for Modding Service Award
    10/12/21 - (9-0-0) [Award] kostic for Legio 501st (Gold)
    10/12/21 - (10-0-0) [Award] youneouy for Opifex
    10/12/21 - (8-0-0) [Award] JLMP for Legio 501st (Gold)
    10/12/21 - (9-0-0) [Award] RafSwi7 for Legio 501st (Gold)
    10/12/21 - (10-0-0) [Award] Belovese for Legio 501st (Gold)
    10/20/21 - (9-0-0) [Award] Gustave for Legio 501st (Gold)
    10/20/21 - (11-0-0) [Award] Gustave for Opifex
    10/26/21 - (10-0-1) [Award] Abdulmecid I for Novus
    10/31/21 - (13-0-0) [Award] Paleologos for Modding Service Award
    11/09/21 - (13-3-1) [Award] AnthoniusII for Legio 501st Gold
    11/09/21 - (12-3-1) [Award] AnthoniusII for Modding Service Award
    11/12/21 - (9-0-0) [Award] Frodo45127 for Opifex
    11/12/21 - (10-0-0) [Award] Kam 2150 for Opifex
    11/12/21 - (11-0-1) [Award] Jake Armitage for Opifex
    11/15/21 - (12-0-0) [Award] Sara Temer for Modding Service Award
    11/19/21 - (9-0-0) [Award] Sara Temer for Legio 501st (Gold)
    11/27/21 - (9-0-0) [Award] z3n for Modding Service Award
    11/27/21 - (7-0-0) [Award] z3n for Legio 501st (Gold)
    11/27/21 - (11-0-0) [Award] Joar for Opifex
    11/27/21 - (12-0-0) [Award] leoni for Opifex
    11/30/21 - (11-0-0) [Award] Araval for Legio 501st (Gold)
    12/06/21 - (6-0-1) [Award] ovidiu for Legio 501st (Gold)
    12/17/21 - (10-0-0) [Award] MightyPotato for Legio 501st (Silver)
    12/17/21 - (8-0-0) [Award] Lordsith for Modding Service Award
    12/17/21 - (12-0-0) [Award] Lordsith for Opifex
    12/17/21 - (10-0-0) [Award] Komisarek for Legio 501st (Silver)
    12/19/21 - (13-0-0) [Award] JaM for Opifex
    1/03/21 - (10-6-4) [Award] Veteraan for Asterix's Loincloth
    1/08/21 - (10-0-1) [Award] alreadyded for Opifex
    1/08/21 - (9-0-3) [Award] CavalryCmdr for Opifex

    CMS Articles

    10/20/21 - It never rains, but it pours awards!
    11/26/21 - A month worth a year...
    1/04/22 - The calm before the storm..?
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. Flinn's Avatar
      Flinn -
      This was an intense term, definitely...

      I've been happy to serve, even if I could have done better without some drama, but that's the Curia. I look forward to see who the next Consul will be and I'll try to convince them into hiring me once more
    1. ggggtotalwarrior's Avatar
      ggggtotalwarrior -
    1. mishkin's Avatar
      mishkin -
      "With the current election I look forward to being given another opportunity to help out the site by administering the Curia". You have more class than this.