We very much thank Gen. Chris for all that he did for the Content and in particular for the Gamer's Gazette.
This was originally meant to be a comunication about the suspension of the GG, but in the meanwhile things have changed and I have stepped in as a Director and together with San Felipe, Dante Von Hepsburg and irontaino we will do our best in order to revive this historic publication.
At this regard, I inform you all that we are always looking for new contributors in the Content and in particular for the GG we could do use of some extra help; if you are up for game reviews and would like to have a platform that will allow you to say yours about the latest game or that old masterpiece, than the GG is the pleace for you.
Besides by joining the GG (and the Content in general) you'll have access to other perks, such as:
- the opportunity to learn and to grow as a person;
- the opportunity to work along with other great writers and mates, with the hope to develop/improve skills such as teamwork and reciprocal support, as an example;
- the opportunity to support the whole TWC modding community and your favorite mods and modders;
- the opportunity to gain reputation and badges as a reward for your work in the Content;
So far it is all gents; if you are interested in giving this a go, please just PM me
For what it's worth this is NOT yet a goodbye to Content...I'm stubborn on one article for the Helios that I NEED to finish.
One day.
But it's been fun for the GG. I'm actually kind of glad I am done, because I would hate to have to express my thoughts on Assassin's Creed Odyssey right now.
To be honest I didn't mean for it to sound dramatic. Though staff work has meant a lot more to me than I ever thought anonymous internet work ever could.
MarkWilliamson- January 23, 2019, 06:55 AMvBulletin Message