• The Batman bids farewell

    Chris' farewell
    Hello loyal readers of the Gamer’s Gazette.

    Five(ish) years ago when I joined this publication I had one goal...to have fun. In fact I really think that that was the goal of the publication in general. Express our thoughts on non-Total War games and have a blast while doing it. That’s pretty much what drew me to it after writing so many reviews outside of it.

    I had joined while Confederate Jeb was still the head of the department and he agreed to take me on just as a guest role. However I quickly assumed more duties, and eventually rose to replace him when he decided his time was done. And when I decided the same, the cunning Fin, Mhaedros, replaced me as well. It is truly weird to think that we only ever had three heads of the department, with several steadfast writers in the department at any one time.

    Unfortunately we have just not had the creative output we once had and writing has been difficult. It’s not anyone’s fault...things happen. While I can’t speak for Mhaedros directly I know that over the last year I have just hit a creative snag with my writing just in the dumps. I have tried...I have REALLY tried to write, but I just can’t anymore. The best example I can think of is a triple-review for Assassin’s Creed Origins and its two DLC’s. Despite my best efforts to do so I have barely managed to write a thousand words on it in the last 10 months. I simply just can’t bring myself to write about it anymore. And while I have composed what feels like a million pictures and videos of it and other games ready to be reviewed, they have just been sitting there collecting digital dust on my harddrive for months. I haven’t even bothered to collect media on the newest games I have acquired, because I know it will not go anywhere. It’s a unfortunate feeling as I know I would have fun writing the reviews for these games (God of War, Spider-Man, AC Origins and Odyssey, etc) I just can’t bring myself to do it.

    Because of this as well as other things it is with sadness that I am here to say that my activity here has ended. Not a decision I take lightly.

    But don’t be sad I'm leaving behind dozens of reviews (that’s not an exaggeration) and a handful of Game of the Year competitions that are always fun to read. They will always be there for the site to return to and peruse at their pleasure.

    I am a little sad though. While I have served with several branches of Content over six years, this one was undoubtedly my favorite.

    Thank you all for your input, feedback, and viewership over the years. It means a lot to the team, past and present.

    -Gen. Chris

    We very much thank Gen. Chris for all that he did for the Content and in particular for the Gamer's Gazette.

    This was originally meant to be a comunication about the suspension of the GG, but in the meanwhile things have changed and I have stepped in as a Director and together with San Felipe, Dante Von Hepsburg and irontaino we will do our best in order to revive this historic publication.

    At this regard, I inform you all that we are always looking for new contributors in the Content and in particular for the GG we could do use of some extra help; if you are up for game reviews and would like to have a platform that will allow you to say yours about the latest game or that old masterpiece, than the GG is the pleace for you.

    Besides by joining the GG (and the Content in general) you'll have access to other perks, such as:

    - the opportunity to learn and to grow as a person;
    - the opportunity to work along with other great writers and mates, with the hope to develop/improve skills such as teamwork and reciprocal support, as an example;
    - the opportunity to support the whole TWC modding community and your favorite mods and modders;
    - the opportunity to gain reputation and badges as a reward for your work in the Content;

    So far it is all gents; if you are interested in giving this a go, please just PM me

    Comments 15 Comments
    1. TheDarkKnight's Avatar
      TheDarkKnight -
      For what it's worth this is NOT yet a goodbye to Content...I'm stubborn on one article for the Helios that I NEED to finish.

      One day.

      But it's been fun for the GG. I'm actually kind of glad I am done, because I would hate to have to express my thoughts on Assassin's Creed Odyssey right now.
    1. Lifthrasir's Avatar
      Lifthrasir -
      Let's say that this is just a (long) break. You might wish to come back in the future
      Thanks for your good reviews, all well done
    1. ♔Greek Strategos♔'s Avatar
      ♔Greek Strategos♔ -
      Thanks for everything.
      Can't wait for your article Chris.

    1. The Noble Lord's Avatar
      The Noble Lord -
      Thanks for everything mate, your hard work and dedication!
    1. Shield's Avatar
      Shield -
      Everything must always be so... dramatic.
    1. Ngugi's Avatar
      Ngugi -
      Thank you for everything Gen. Chris
    1. TheDarkKnight's Avatar
      TheDarkKnight -
      Quote Originally Posted by Shield View Post
      Everything must always be so... dramatic.
      Dun dun...duuuuuuun

      To be honest I didn't mean for it to sound dramatic. Though staff work has meant a lot more to me than I ever thought anonymous internet work ever could.

      You should totally give it a try
    1. Commissar Caligula_'s Avatar
      Commissar Caligula_ -
      Quote Originally Posted by Shield View Post
      Everything must always be so... dramatic.
      Its an internet board. The only reason we volunteer to do extra work is because it gives us the opportunity to be dramatic and sensationalise stuff.
    1. Flinn's Avatar
      Flinn -
      Quote Originally Posted by Commissar Caligula_ View Post
      Its an internet board. The only reason we volunteer to do extra work is because it gives us the opportunity to be dramatic and sensationalise stuff.
      this, and the candies
    1. ♔Greek Strategos♔'s Avatar
      ♔Greek Strategos♔ -
      Quote Originally Posted by Flinn View Post
      this, and the candies
      You never mentioned that to me. Content provide candies ? Maybe I should apply
    1. The Wandering Storyteller's Avatar
      The Wandering Storyteller -
      Sad to hear, but we will see a def revive of reviews soon.
    1. Lifthrasir's Avatar
      Lifthrasir -
      The batman bids farewell but...

      Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

      Ok Flinn, I'm going back to my corner
    1. Araval's Avatar
      Araval -
      Hail TheDarkKnight!
    1. Flinn's Avatar
      Flinn -
      Quote Originally Posted by Lifthrasir View Post

      Ok Flinn, I'm going back to my corner
      it's thanks to people like you, if we have such a bad name!
    1. MarkWilliamson's Avatar
      MarkWilliamson -