The Eagle Standard Articles Compendium
Published on March 02, 2019 07:12 AM
Sort - Number of Views: 39210
Esteemed fellow readers, since the very beginning of TWC the Eagle Standard has been the bread and the butter of everything related to TW Games and Mods reviews and previews. Starting back in 2005 the ES has provided tens of assembled issues, ranging from modding news, to reviews and other miscellaneous articles. A few years ago we expanded our range (with the introduction of Interviews and of Modding Awards articles, basically) and moved our activity from the old forum to the new CMS (Content Management System) Article section, precisely where this article is shown at present times!
As this section of the site is sharing the same area with the other glorious publications we have (such as the Gamer's Gazette or The Helios, just to mention a couple of them) and with other misc communications such as News or Curial stuff, it is sometimes difficult, in particular for guests and new members, to find precisely what they are looking for. For this reason we have created the ES Articles Compedium: the purpose is rather obvious, grouping in one single place the links to all the published ES articles we have in the CMS, sorted by our internal categories (Previews, Reviews, Interviews, Miscellaneous and Modding Awards), so that everyone can have easy access to the full list of them and pick what they are most interested in.
If you are interested in very old articles (prior to the move to the CMS), please follow this link . Be warned though: old articles are for the most largely outdated, in particular for what regards the modding news, but if you are high for vintage stuff or looking for some old article, than that's the place where you have to go!
Besides, if you are interested to learn more about the Eagle Standard publication, purposes and team, just follow this link to our general recruitment article or feel free to send a private message to the current Eagle Standard Director (who should be named in the list at the top right, next to this article).
Below is the list of all the published articles, sorted by category as promised. The articles are listed with the oldest articles at the top of each category.
saket- May 21, 2019, 05:33 AMvBulletin Message