Very interesting. Looked into these sort of things myself in years past (have a whole shelf of books on the Irish myths). I don't think we'll ever know - in this life! - the truth of the matter, but it is fascinating nonetheless. You might find a book called "After the Flood" (by Bill Cooper), written from a Biblical perspective, interesting...
More recently I looked into the immediate post-Roman era in Britain - and even that is much-debated!
I finally found the time to read it; while the argument is not exactly my bread and butter, I found it very interesting; it seems that almost any civilization has in common the need to create myths about his creation, I practically found it everywhere and even with limited cases (such as very small populations or short history, so to say that apparently it happens at the very beginning, that without a common "birth" to share "values" societies cannot survive long).
City of Cornwall? Cornwall is a county, old name - or at least one that gets used is Kernow. Weird how none of the myths use Stonehenge or Avebury or at least tie in to them, as these predate Roman and Gaelic settlement by hundreds of years or more.
The first story is very close to the ancient Semitic and Jewish myth. The commonality of these narratives was that Lilith, the first woman created by God, defied Adam and went to the desert where she mated with demonic beings.
Another thing to note is that ancient Phoenician traders had a significant presence in the British Isles. It isn't outside the bounds of possibility that some kind of Mesopotamian ethnic drift occurred which would go on to influence the ancient traditions of the Briton people.
Remnants of ancient memories concerning giants can be observed universally across the globe, ranging from the American continent to Polynesia, from Scandinavia down to sub-saharan Africa... I believe this is not a coincidence.
I thoroughly enjoyed that read although as i am living in Cornwall at the moment i feel i must point out that Cornwall is a county and not a city.Good stuff.
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