The Last Kingdom
As any long time player of the Total War series, or amateur historian will tell you, history often repeats itself. And as any devote follower of sci-fi and fantasy will tell you, fantasy fiction’s greatest contributor, aside from the inventive mind of the author, are historical themes that have played out again and again, often in the same geo-political regions of the world, particularly in low fantasy, medieval and dark-age Britain.In early June, HBO’s series Game of Thrones, which is based on the best-selling A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin, surpassed the HBO series, The Sopranos, as the most watched cinematic series on television, in history. An element in this success was not only the communal desire of followers to be ‘up on affairs’ in this case with the going-ons of a fictional realm.
It was also a long held fascination with the British Isles medieval history, which Martin naturally referenced as part of his inspiration, citing the inspiration for The Wall in the North, as Hadrian’s wall.
There have, of course been many jokes about intercourse role-playing and renaissance fairs on sites such as Funny or Die, ever since. Throughout it’s history the Island of Britannia and it’s surroundings and time line have been the inspiration for fantasy, from J.R.R. Tolkein to Dungeons and Dragons.
A Song of Ice and Fire takes place after a civil war that has placed Robert Baratheon as the new king of Westeros, a temperate land founded by the first men and the Andals and composed of seven kingdoms, yet one king. The previously displaced dynasty was that of the dragon, the Targeryons, which could be interpreted as the Welsh and Romano-Britons that were displaced by the Saxons. The kingdom falls into a war of the five kingdoms, after a hunting accident kills Robert. In fact, as a loading screen of The Last Kingdom will tell you, the the King of the Western Frankish Empire, Charles, was killed by a boar in a hunting accident, and the kingdom afterwards fractured. Such are these times.
There were three major kingdoms then, and the Targeryon banner represents three dragons, literally in the books, those of Aegon the Conqueror, though it should be noted that a red dragon remains on the flag of Wales today, and that the patron Saint of England was George the dragon slayer. It is also present as the flag of Wessex in the game.
And in this realm, the north is vast and harried by raiders, who are kept in check by the authority of the King through the Warden of the North, who had made his hall at Winterfell, south of the wall. This theme is all too familiar to the players of the Medieval TW expansion Viking Invasion, and the MTW2 mod The Last Kingdom, Arthurian: TW, as well as other mods set in the sixth, seventh, and eighth century in Britain. Post Roman Britain was immortalized with tales of heroism and major battles just south of Hadrian’s Wall, in Lothian, what was then the Kingdom of Gododdin, against Gaelic, Saxon, and Angle invaders, and it was this Dark Age that inspired the legend of a Romano-British king, a dux bellorum such as Ambrosius Aurelianus, or Arctorus, Arthur, in the French romanticism that had made such a figure and his legend famous. All things come to an end, and although the Gaelic and Briton kingdoms remained, long into the reign of the Germanics, the Roman resistance came to an end, and the Saxon, Jute, and Angle kings that had been colonizing Britain, were left to rule. Although the age that followed was not typified by a rule of law, in contrast to its barbarity, the Saxons in the south, and the Angles to the north, were in Britain to stay, and they would make their legacy not only in settlement, rapid settlement that displaced peoples such as Powys and Gwynned, but in Kingdoms, and these Kingdoms were meant to endure. Criticized for ghastly deaths and heart-stopping drama, pageantry and court, however Norman and high medieval in some instances, is just a façade to brutal feudalism in The Game of Thrones, a game of winning or dying, and there was little high medieval about the world Martin had created, outside of the aesthetic, which, although Norse and Saxon in appearance, is exaggerated by budget and their fan base (and the wealth of the Lannisters) and of course, technological, such as the crossbow used in patricide by Tyrion, late in the books.

The Dread Fort that was then Nottingham (linguistics are adjusted for time period)

These are the higher class of the 'Halls.', well armed 'Sers'

Taboo like this is often dealt heavy handedly, and the rulers are often more ruthless and pragmatic, than holding any illusions about god-given rights of battle and kingship, prancing about the country side in games of balance, and succession beyond that of inheritance. As Tyrion seriously replies in season 3 ‘Armies give men power.’ In the turbulent time depicted in TLK, petty kings must be either swayed through bribery, coerced, or beaten into fealty. All mechanics of the overhaul. Also it is the tale of legacy, and how fathers lost to battle or injustice, set their children forth on extraordinary journeys that end in the most unlikely of places.
The series of books’ primary theme is the transition from the rule of the old gods, to a different, singular god, Rhaelor, Lord of Light. The North beyond the wall, the White Walkers and the coming winter, represent the darkness. Stannis Baratheon, the rightful heir to the seven kingdoms, and his priestess mistress are the incarnation of the new faith in the books. Examples of such a pagan transition period are not hard to find, nor cultural comparisons that heavily influence the power dynamic in the books. The earlier paganism in the books involves old pagan gods, with some paying particular reverence to druidic and forest traditions, that which would have endured under the Welsh, and the significance of a raven in visions, which appears to be a Norse mystical influence.
Bran Stark’s name itself, is Irish for the large, black carrion birds of the British Isles. Other names, such as Walder or Eddard, have more Saxon influences, but Gaelic and Welsh remain strong influences on the naming traditions of the books, as well as Norman French.After a terrible massacre, the two, stunted Tyrion, and his ruthless father Tywin, as obviously Saxon as other names, are philosophizing about ‘why it may be more noble to kill ten thousand on the battlefield, than a dozen at dinner?’ The latter being an action approved for a bitter twisted man named Walder Frey (Norse/Germanic) at the infamous Red Wedding, by Tywin, the patriarch of the Lannister clan that rules in the south at King’s Landing, the capital of the realm.The Houses, represented by sigils, often coincide with history, for example the Tyrell Rose, like the Roses of York and Lancaster. And the heraldry is evident in their shields and armor.

Mercia has been the dominant power over East Anglia before it's new-found independence.

A more elegant and descriptive system from another engine.
This story focuses around five historical figures, Aethelfrith, Raedwald, Edwin, and Oswald, and his brother Oswig. Aethelfrith’s rise to power as the pagan Angle king of Bernicia and Deira, combining the two kingdoms into one realm, began with a bloody wedding ceremony in which her relatives, and a major figure in Deira, Aetheric were killed, the wedding being to Acha, daughter of the Deiran King Aelle and father to Edwin, the legitimate heir and his nephew Hereric, who escaped to Elmet . Edwin escaped to the south in Cearl’s court in Mercia, after briefly spending some time in Gywnedd. Their banner? The Wolf.
'Here comes the King of the North!!!!'
This was not the beginning for the Bernician king Aethelfrith, known and feared as ‘Fleseur’ or ‘Twister.’ By the Britons, and so merciless that he was compared to the Old Testament’s Saul, in 603 he had defeated a powerful Irish Dal Riada horde under Aidan MacGabrain bolstered by armies and territories in Ulster. The Dal Riada, who had long raided the coast of England, were very similar to the Song of Ice and Fire’s Ironborn, the house of Theon Greyjoy, who go through salt-water baptism rituals. Their house sigil, the kraken, would indicate a more Norse influence on the story.

Ice water challenge? There are many Viking and Saxon (Danish, Norwegian and Norman) equivalents of these former raiders who maintain the profession into the time period.

Similar origin to their Danish enemies

This system would be the equivalent of hostages or princess marriages in early TW titles, Medieval II and Medieval II: Kingdoms, and later in S2TW. Relationships and trust, or enmity and mistrust grow with a sword above comparative innocent's heads.It is also the classic example of adoptions in the Medieval titles and their mods like 865’s The Last Kingdom.
This offers further hope for the series despite the diminished features of Rome II, in that dilemmas such as this could result in a character being adopted into your faction. An example of this would be an eagle landing on the right shoulder of a minor son, the dilemma being, should he be brought into the family as a result of such an omen? All TW fans are familiar with heroic captains, or ‘men of the hour.’ In Rome II, and Emperor Edition, dilemnas regarding controversial characters can result in them being adopted into your families general pool.

Being promoted or adopted into the family tree, a feature that was absent from Rome II.
A King of the North, so to speak.The class system represented amongst the Saxon, Norwegian, and Danish factions, is the same as that of Game of Thrones, there are minor houses, such as 'Tarley' that compose middle class units with middle class armaments, as well as the highest houses, that represent the elite troops for all participating powers including the Irish ones. Along with this decision, was his conversion to Christianity, a lord of light, with the power vacuum being taken by other kings, specifically Penda. Aethelfrith’s sons, Oswald and Oswig, would be hunted in similar fashion to Edwin upon his death, and became great champions of Christianity themselves, before Oswald became a rival king of the pagan Mercian Penda. It is during this time that a king of all England, all Britain would emerge, in the form of Overlords, power struggles that would result in great kings of most of England such as Alfred.
After his brother had been killed in battle by Penda at Maserfield, allied to the Welsh, particularly Powys, Oswig, as his successor as King of Northumbria defeated Penda at Winwaed, and became a Christian monarch over Wessex, Mercia, East Anglia, and Northumbria, a Northumbrian Overlord of Britain. Or as Robert Bartheon earlier rages ‘Seven kingdoms, One King!.’

In similar fashion, upon Penda’s defeat, he was beheaded, which was unusual posthumous treatment by the Christian Oswig, Oswald’s brother . Such symbolic justice is referenced in the books, as the book introduces Eddard Stark with the beheading of a perceived deserter, and the first book as well as season of the series, ends with that beheader’s beheading. This was the death knell of pagan Britain.
It also heralded a long period of stationary Germanic and Danish kings, that would ultimately be undone by a Romance culture they had just taken five hundred years to displace entirely, as is strongly implied by The Last Kingdom’s setting and start date, with the King of England marching north to save the realm and battle a northern invasion, while yet another opportunist invasion was incoming from across the channel and sea in the historical avatar of William. This, readers may suspect, will be a theme in the continuation of the fantasy novels, as it was in history, with Daenaerys on the horizon, Stannis occupied, and King’s Landing going fundamentalist in a hurry..

Kings of once pagan areas had a long series of succession of extremely pious Christian rulers, that continued until and after the Norman conquest. Piety is a positive factor in TLK, and there is a sub-modification called 'Baptized Normans.' For the Overhaul.

East Anglia- The Probable inspiration for King's Landing. Although Mercia became the most dominant kingdom. The alliances keep the notion of England cohesive, while the Normans themselves are a playable ambition. London is under independent control at this time. Richard III used a white boar as his impromptu banner at Bosworth.

The men brought to Anglia by the dragon ships

The characters of The Last Kingdom are as intriguing and diverse as Game of Thrones. Truth, is often stranger than fiction, and this historical scenario is rife with details that make for great storytelling. Historical parallel characters have personalities, and those personalities are influenced by your decision-making in the campaign
It harkens back to a time where kings died on the battlefield, as was the case with the last Plantagenet in the War of Roses, and the intertwined family system that resulted in a part Lancaster, back on the throne. It is, as they say, the stuff of legend, and all of the parts of the English language storytelling tradition are present in TLK for Total War, from the War of the Roses, to Scandinavian influences like Beowulf, and the Normans who would impart a Romance influence on the language, lore and legend.
With many of the personal interactions coming from history themselves such as feuding brothers, Medieval II and it's mods dramatically depict what battle and life was like for the ruling and peasant class in the world of Game of Thrones.
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