Athens and Sparta fanboys will die for their masters.
I'm more team Argos, what could have been.
Trump is threatened tariffs on Australian aluminium and iron ore, then moved to "considering exemptions".
We're currently battling
I set it up properly and loaded to save through the launcher, got to my first reinforcement battle and the game behavior went to the "one for one"
twuser13773 Yesterday, 07:42 PMSolved: I simply just took the UI unit file from base medieval 2 and pasted it into the stainless steel version. I have no idea why the file is missing
xRossTheBossx Yesterday, 07:37 PM
Re: Can we hide strat map borders on impassable terrains only?
I think the disappearance has got to do with the 3D elements of rivers (river bed) and high mountains (peaks). There simply isn't anything that defines
Gigantus Yesterday, 09:21 PM