Yawn, according to Putler, Russia was at war with NATO since the beginning of invasion. Move along, nothing to see here.
I would like to remind
Although describing the Civil War as an attack on American democracy seems a bit dubious. It'd be like calling the Irish War of Independence an attack
Laser101 Today, 05:56 PMWhat you quote and what you claim do not support each other.
PointOfViewGun Today, 05:26 PMThe FBI concluded the Capitol riot was not a plot to keep an outgoing president in power either, so your assertion is as irrelevant as your “disclaimers.”
Legio_Italica Today, 04:39 PM
Re: [Missing] Meneth's Sub-mod Compilation (MSC) 6.0
Not sure if this is what is [Missing] but, i found this. Meneth's Compilation
phylosopher stoned Today, 07:18 PM