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  1. I finished correction work with "Revenge of Tyrants". Story is ready completely.

    Hello TWCenter!
    I must say, i have finished correction work with "Revenge of Tyrants", my big sci-fi/fantasy work.
    i am talking about this story.

    For now my main task - to publish full translation of it here, in TWC. Its not too hard work, because i know english well. I
    Creative Writing
  2. The Lost Interviews - The Eagle Standard - Mod Focus, Numenor: Total War

    In October of 2006 I was a pen for the Eagle Standard and was prepping several interviews from the mod community. One in particular was Numenor: Total War. This was a creation by WImPyTjeH based on some material from JR Tolkiens books. I had submitted this copy to the Eagle Standard for review when the events now known as "Black Friday" occurred. This was one of the staff revolts that eventually ended when board ownership changed hands to Imb39.

    However, during this troubled ...

    Updated November 15, 2021 at 10:18 AM by Gaius Baltar

    TW Mod Reviews , Creative Writing
  3. Normal or nuts?

    by , October 23, 2021 at 02:11 AM (Tall an' handsome)

    For some peculiar reason I do get angry when waiting for an elevator and someone presses the button that I have already pressed.

    “What, I didn’t press the button right?”
    “Seriously, do you think pressing it again is going to make the elevator come faster?”
    “Pressing the button – what a splendid idea! Why didn’t I think of that?

    And then afterward I wonder if that wasn’t a wee bit overboard, eg nutty. Reason why I am sharing this is because ...

    Updated October 25, 2021 at 01:25 AM by Gigantus

    Life on TWC
  4. The Dude goes into politics - the hardest job in the world...

    Now, if by any chance you have missed the previous chapters, there's a summary here at chapter 10.

    However, this new chapter is more of the sort of personal thoughts rather than an account of what's going on and I'd like to start from this comment I made back at chapter 9:

    I was one of those who were fiercely criticizing those who gave up or who did not wanted to try, today I can tell you I understand them very well. Barring the personal experience, there's nothing
    Hobbies & Interests
  5. Reading Goal Surpassed Again and other things.

    Since my last update I have once again passed my reading goal. I am now hovering at 72 books. The return to school has been drain on my time and energy so unfortunately a lot of them are shorter than normal, but I feel that given the time constraints it is a reasonable thing to continue counting.

    Books Read

    The North Water
    The Black Ice
    The Lost Hero
    Call of the Wild
    SW Death Troopers
    SW Out of the Shadows (60)
    The Golden Compass
    War of the Worlds