Previous chapter Now, the title should have been the Good ones, the Bad ones and the Worst ones, but then it would have lost that reference that I so much hold dear, so .. However, I'm aware of the fact that the argument I'm going to write now is controversial, or at the least very subjective: we all know that quite often it is a matter of perspective if you end being the good rather the bad one (or vice versa) in a story. That being said, as individuals, ...
. In March last year I brought you Microsoft's purchase of Bethesda, now I am topping it: Following reports, Microsoft has now officially announced it has acquired Activision Blizzard in a deal valued at nearly $70 billion. This is Microsoft's biggest acquisition in history of any type, and it is the biggest gaming acquisition in history by a huge margin. ...
Updated January 19, 2022 at 09:38 PM by Gigantus
It has been a while since I posted this blog, and today life got to remind me again how true that is... I've posted about my losses extensively in the PH&A, and I'm past them (for as much as one can say to be so, of course), but there are some that are very hard to deal with.. last time I had to deal with a similar rush of emotions I was still a teenager and I had lost one of my closest cousins to Leukemia, it was terrible to say the least (he was 17, and full of hopes) and it ...
Updated January 07, 2022 at 09:31 AM by Flinn
Last chapter can be found here. Time for an update I guess. We are halfway our mandate (2,5 years) and despite the Corona, I think we are doing great... sort of. To begin with, I did say "despite the Corona", but maybe this is a bit premature: as a matter of facts, contagion is spreading again quite fast, so in few days that will be back to impact our work again .. that can't be helped anyways, so let's just not take that into account right now. Backing to ...
Updated December 30, 2021 at 03:36 AM by Flinn
Writers Blog. My full list of stories in this year Hey all! This year for me was real gift. In march 2021 i was accepted to Russian Union of Writers, its the biggest organisation in my country. I was only 27. Yeah, young age for this union with a lot of people after 40-50 or even older. I was happy about it. Really! Of course, i`m still working with my sci-fi universe. ...