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  1. Game News - Microsoft's latest patch messes with game performance

    The update KB4482887 has been creating huge performance problems for some gamers on Windows 10 (version 1809), affecting mouse movements and graphics.

    Suggested fix by Microsoft: uninstall the update.

    Read the full ZDNet article
  2. This Week's Lensation - 25/02/19 - 04/03/19

    Hello again and welcome back to another week of the Lensation. This was how the blog was originally conceived to be - coming out a day or two after the polls are up. This week in addition to the weekly wrap-up, I'd like to thank the regular voters as well. *Insert Jeff Probst voice here* Let's get to it!


    Updated February 28, 2019 at 12:24 PM by Swaeft

  3. This Week's Lensation - 17/02/19 - 24/02/19

    Welcome back to the Lensation! I'm in the process of working out a few things - there will be no more interviews posted here as interviews should be posted in Content Publications. I am looking to replace it with something else, but I am also thinking of simply sticking to commentary. Anyway, you let me worry about that, for now let's get down to the Weekly Wrap-up!


    Updated February 24, 2019 at 07:02 AM by Swaeft

  4. The Lensation - An Update

    Hello all!

    I realize it's been more than 3 weeks since the last post. Just wanted to let you all know I plan on continuing this, it's just that a set of unforeseen circumstances resulted in me not spending as much time on TWC as I would have liked in the past few weeks.

    The aim is to get the next post up by this weekend, though I make no promises! Expect some slight changes to the formatting, though.

  5. Reminder - Flickr's dead line for pic removal has just passed

    by , February 06, 2019 at 08:49 PM (Tall an' handsome)
    As I mentioned in November Flickr is going to remove surplus pictures (beyond 1000) since yesterday from free accounts.

    It's not too late yet to secure your surplus picture from the site, this article will tell you how.